1) 1. No, it isnt. 2 The store is on Manhattan's Upper East Side. It was Mr Lee. His workday starts at midnight. The store's open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. When he gets back from the market.
2) 1.every day, 2.on Sundays, 3.hardly ever 4.at midnight 5. in the evening, 6. still, 7. always, 8. on Upper East Side
3) 1. an, 2. a, 3. the, the, 4+5 нетреба, 6. a, 7. the, 8. -, 9. -, a, 10. the, 11. the
4) 1.her 2.them, 3.his,him 4.they, 5.their, 6. them, 7. our, 8. us, 9. her, 10.its, 11. them
5) 1. in, 2. - , 3.for, from, about, 4.in, 5.of, 6.at, is, 7. - , 8.be, 9.be
тут трохи не дописувано але 90% зроблено
6. Hello, this is Mr Cook. Can I speak to Mr Brown, please?
7. I can’t go out in this coat. It’s too tight.
8. ‘I’ve been accepted by my first choice of university.’ ‘Congratulations. that is fantastic!’
9. Those were the days when we used to dance every night.
10. Don’t you think those new electronic diaries that we saw in the shop are really clever?
11. ‘This belonged to my grandmother,’ said David as he slipped the ring onto Jane’s finger.
12. Don’t you think these jeans suit me?
13. These biscuits are delicious. Did you make them yourself?
14. Those records you threw out were my original hits from the seventies!
15. Aren’t those girls over there your students?
16. ‘This bike needs repairing.’ ‘That is what I was trying to tell you.’
17. What do you think of that dress Ann was wearing last night?
18. I don’t go anywhere this week.
19. What’s this you’re reading?
20. That boy over there is my son.
Good luck!