1 This is the third time you have spoken to Mr Campbell. What's your impression of him? 2 I'm so hungry! I haven't eaten anything today! But why? 3 Have you been to the theater this month? Oh, yes, actually, I have been there twice this month. 4 As far as I know they have sold their car because they need money badly. 5 I'm afraid he can't help you . 6 Haven't you got my telegram yet? No, sorry. What's the matter? 7 We have bought a computer at last! Now it will be easier for me to work. 8 Stop reminding me of this letter! You have already told me about it twice. 9 The problem is too complicated! I haven't cleared up all the details so far. 10 Have you had a holiday this summer?
1 Have you ever been to the circus? Sure, and I'd like to go again. 2 What happened? I have lost much purse with all the money! 3 Is it the second time your brother has got married? Why? He has never been married before. 4 You have taken too many pictures! There's no place for all of them in the photo album. 5 I have just explained everything to you. What else do you want? 6 It's the third glass of beer you have drunk today. 7 Hasn't your dad returned from his business trip yet? He is coming this evening. 8 This is the most dangerous, accident my brother has ever had. 9 The plant has grown too large. I'm afraid I'll ha email to cut it. 10 Have you prepared everything for the party? Yes, almost everything is ready.
Hello. I'm (your name). Today im going to tell you about my family entertainments. We like to go to mountains to ski. That's very funny. After that we usually go to sauna to get rest and then go home. Besides, we like eat all together in a some good restaurant. We come in, make an order, enjoy the meal and walk somewhere having an interesting conversation afterwards. The other variant of our pastime is visiting an aquapark. We all like swimming, that's our most favourite thing to do. Можно еще добавить, мол после этого идем в ресторан и т.д.
Здрасте, я (имя). Сегодня я расскажу о своих семейных развлечениях. Мы любим ходить в горы кататься на лыжах. Это очень весело. После этого мы обычно идем в сауну чтобы отдохнуть и потом едем домой. Кроме того. мы все любим есть в каком нибудь хорошем ресторане. Мы заходим, делаем заказ, наслаждаемся едой а потом идем куда нибудь гулять и ведем интересную беседу. Еще один вариант нашего времяпрепровождения - аквапарк. Мы все любим плавать, это наше любимое занятие.
2) The genre of this film is thriller and horror.
3) Actors coped with their task.