I am a pet. I am soft and furry. I like to sleep and drink milk. I don’t like mice and dogs. I say “Meow, meow”. I am ….(CAT)
I live on a farm. I am pink. I have a little tail. My nose is called a snout. And I say “Oink, oink”. I am …. (PIG)
A lot of spots. A long, long neck A funny scarf. It ‘s a … GIRAFFE.
I have 4 legs and a tail. I am very smart. I like to play with you. When I see a cat, I say “Woof, woof” I am ….(DOG)
Green and long With many teeth. Beautiful smile — It`s … A CROCODILE.
вот, 5 загадок, с переводом, думаю, проблем не будет :)
1. 1. We are swimming in the swimming pool.
2. She is watching TV now.
3. I and my sister are going to school now.
4. My father is washing his car at the moment.
5. They are playing the piano now.
2. On the armchair 1) The bank in High Street is big and modern.
On the chair 2) You can sit on this comfortable armchair when you watch TV.
In the street 3) The birds on the tree are not sparrows. What birds are they?
On the photo 4) We can often see roses on the piano in the living room.
3. 1) John and Sally like their house in Green Street.
2) I can see the Barkers, they are in their garden.
3) John! Can you help us please?