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My day.
Usually I get up at 7 o'clock. I get up at once and sometimes do my morning exercises. Then I take a shower and clean my teeth. After that I dress and go to school. I live not far from it so I walk there. I usually have breakfast at school. Every day we have 6 lessons, so I am at school till 2 o'clock. Then I go home, have dinner and rest for a couple of hours. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go to the swimming pool. The rest of my week is free. In the evening I do my home task and help my parents if they ask me. Sometimes I play computer games or read books. And of course I chat with my friends online. I go to bed at 11 o'clock. That is my usual day.
Мой день.Обычно я встаю в 7 часов. Я встаю сразу и иногда делаю утреннюю зарядку. Затем я принимаю душ и чищу зубы. После этого я одеваюсь и иду в школу. Я живу недалеко от неё, поэтому я иду туда пешком. Я обычно завтракаю в школе. Каждый день у нас есть 6 уроков, таким образом, я в школе до 2 часов. Затем я иду домой, обедаю и отдыхаю пару часиков. В понедельник, в среду и в пятницу я хожу в бассейн. Остальная часть моей недели свободна. Вечером я делаю свое домашнее задание и моим родителям, если они попросят. Иногда я играю в компьютерные игры или читаю книги. И конечно я болтаю со своими друзьями онлайн. Я ложусь спать в 11 часов. Это - мой обычный день.
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1. That place looks quiet that's why it's charming.

2. It's interesting to know scientifically why all mothers are always so affectionate to their children.

3. No one of our team's colleagues is in doubt about Mark because everyone knows he's a reliable person.

4. On my mind it's not sensible decision to spend so much cash on things you needn't as eventually it's going to be junk.

5. When William Shakespeare was alive, he had written very sensitive poems by using various catching words.

6. Concerning this child - he is obviously spoilt. The whole point is, he has been badly raising since birth.

7. My granny is a pretty intelligent woman but, due to her elder age, she is able to be some kind of stubborn sometimes.

7. It's almost impossible to expect from my boss to make a generous gift for me by giving a salary supplement.

8. It isn't worth to rely upon an insecure or unchecked sourse even if the sourse is a person or an article in the internet because it can misinform you totally.

9. Outgoing personality is a rare feature of a rare type of people.

4,6(99 оценок)
1.He usually (helps) his parents in the morning. 2.Next week they (will give) a concert for the war veterans. 3.The day before she (visited) her ill neighbour. 4. Yesterday at 6 p.m. he (was working) on a computer. 5. Look! They (are playing) football in the yard. 6.Alice (has) already fed her parrot. 7.When Jane called her mother she (had just left) the office.
1) My friend (keeps) secrets well. 2.In three weeks the pupils (will pass) exams in Maths. 3.Last Sunday the teacher (took) his pupils to the forest. 4.While the mother was cooking the cake the daughter (was laying) the table. 5.Look! The birds (have) already eaten the bread. 6.The father (has) just come from work. 7.They (will have left) the city by last Sunday.
1.Sometimes Jesse and Kim (make/made) toothbrush holders for selling. 2.She (will learn) two languages next year. 3.In his childhood Tom (wanted) to be a driver. 4.The day before at 9  friends (were listening) to the opera. 5.Don’t trouble me! I'm (thinking) over my report. 6.I’m sorry. I (haven't learnt) the poem yet. 7.When Hilary visited Stephen, he (had) already got well.
1.He often (gives) a helping hand to his classmates. 2.Last Saturday the children (cleaned) the park. 3.The day after tomorrow all the pupils (will discuss) teenagers’ problems. 4.Two years ago the family (moved) to a new flat. 5.I’m sorry. I'm (writing) my home composition now. 6.She (has) never been to London. 7.By last lesson they (will have done) all the task.
1.Sometimes they (are/were asked) to help the elderly. 2.The day before he (was helped) in English. 3. The rubbish (is/was taken) out every day. 4.A week ago the pupils (were taken) to the park. 5.Some money (were raised) by the children for the concert last month. 6.Many nursing homes (are /were visited) by different charities regularly.
1) Usually many folk tales (had been read) to babies before sleeping. 2.Many forests (were put ) on fire by tourists last summer. 3.His clothes (have always been ironed) perfectly. 4.Much litter (was collected) by voluntaries in the national park yesterday. 5.He (had never been given) bad marks. 7.She was (betrayed) by her friend the other day.
1.This year many beasts (have been fed) in the forest by special guard. 2.Last winter many birds (were saved) from starvation. 3.Last two years Disney Land (was visited) by 40 million people. 4.The Moscow Metro (has been used) by thousands of people. 5.The beauty of the nature (is enjoyed) by everybody. 6.The other day they (were told) not to disturb birds.
1.Everyone (was told) not to leave litter in the forest. 2.Last Saturday the game (was played) well. 3.Very often voluntaries (are asked) to support the disabled. 4. The war veterans’ stories are always listened attentively. 5.Last year Easter (was celebrated) in the beginning of April. 6.Cadbury chocolate is (loved) by all childen.
 He tells the story. – He is told the story. (Он рассказал рассказ. – Ему рассказали рассказ.).
1.She (asked) to help the lonely. She (was asked) to help the lonely.
2.They (allowed) to make a fire. They (were allowed) to make a fire.
3. He (tells/told) not to shout in the forest. He (is/was told) not to shout in the forest. 4. At night the baby (read) the fairy tale.
5. Sometimes the headmaster (sends/sent) many letters. Sometimes the headmaster (is/was sent) many letters.
1.The teacher always (listens) attentively. The teacher had always (been listened) attentively. 
2.The son (asked) to help about the house. The son (was asked) to help about the house. 3.She (teaches) English well. She (is taught) English well. 4.They (allowed) to plant trees in the park. They (were allowed) to plant trees in the park. 5.He often (supports) (by) everybody.He is often (supported) (by) everybody.
1.He (reads) many folk tales. He (is read) many folk tales.   2.He (was listened) attentively.
3.The pupils (were read) the reports. 4.The boys (were asked) to help the girls. 5.They (had been sent) telegrams before each holiday.1.She (had been written) a long letter. 2.They (had been allowed) to raise money to save animals. 3.Tom (had been asked) to write the poem. 4.She (had been left) some money. 5.He (had been told) to take litter home.
 1.Last winter many birds (had been saved) by children. 2.Many voluntaries (have helped) to clean national parks. 3.Cadbury chocolate (has been loved) by all children. 20:36:42  4.The day before my car (had been stopped) at the crossing by a policeman. 5.He  (listens) to the teacher attentively. 6.Tomorrow they (will take) some food and (go) to the forest.1.At the last lesson the war stories (were listened) by pupils with great interest. 2.Usually tourists (disturb) birds and animals in the forest by their music. 3.Last year Disney Land (was visited) by 40 million people. 4.Every year many flowers (are planted) in the squares. 5.At Ecology the teacher (told) his pupils how to keep nature. 6.Three days ago two wolves (were killed) near the village.
4,4(23 оценок)
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