1. That place looks quiet that's why it's charming.
2. It's interesting to know scientifically why all mothers are always so affectionate to their children.
3. No one of our team's colleagues is in doubt about Mark because everyone knows he's a reliable person.
4. On my mind it's not sensible decision to spend so much cash on things you needn't as eventually it's going to be junk.
5. When William Shakespeare was alive, he had written very sensitive poems by using various catching words.
6. Concerning this child - he is obviously spoilt. The whole point is, he has been badly raising since birth.
7. My granny is a pretty intelligent woman but, due to her elder age, she is able to be some kind of stubborn sometimes.
7. It's almost impossible to expect from my boss to make a generous gift for me by giving a salary supplement.
8. It isn't worth to rely upon an insecure or unchecked sourse even if the sourse is a person or an article in the internet because it can misinform you totally.
9. Outgoing personality is a rare feature of a rare type of people.
Usually I get up at 7 o'clock. I get up at once and sometimes do my morning exercises. Then I take a shower and clean my teeth. After that I dress and go to school. I live not far from it so I walk there. I usually have breakfast at school. Every day we have 6 lessons, so I am at school till 2 o'clock. Then I go home, have dinner and rest for a couple of hours. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go to the swimming pool. The rest of my week is free. In the evening I do my home task and help my parents if they ask me. Sometimes I play computer games or read books. And of course I chat with my friends online. I go to bed at 11 o'clock. That is my usual day.
Мой день.Обычно я встаю в 7 часов. Я встаю сразу и иногда делаю утреннюю зарядку. Затем я принимаю душ и чищу зубы. После этого я одеваюсь и иду в школу. Я живу недалеко от неё, поэтому я иду туда пешком. Я обычно завтракаю в школе. Каждый день у нас есть 6 уроков, таким образом, я в школе до 2 часов. Затем я иду домой, обедаю и отдыхаю пару часиков. В понедельник, в среду и в пятницу я хожу в бассейн. Остальная часть моей недели свободна. Вечером я делаю свое домашнее задание и моим родителям, если они попросят. Иногда я играю в компьютерные игры или читаю книги. И конечно я болтаю со своими друзьями онлайн. Я ложусь спать в 11 часов. Это - мой обычный день.