There are many writers whose work I admire. From world literature it is L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, A. Camus, EM Remarque, among poets, of course, O. Pushkin, A. Akhmatova, P. Verlaine. There is a lot to be said about world literature. But let's turn to our Ukrainian. I read O. Honchar and O. Dovzhenko with enthusiasm, I liked I. Bagryany's work "Tiger Hunters", my heart sank when I read U. Samchuk's "Maria". Among our Ukrainian poets are my favorites - Lesya Ukrainka, Oleksandr Oles and Lina Kostenko. I like the work of these poets, especially the heart responds to the poems of Lina Kostenko.
Перевод :
я была в московском зоопарке и видела там много разных животных и слонов и тигров. Но самое что запомнилось мне в зоопарке это жираф!