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(40 б) нужно написать сочинение по на тему "школьная форма моей мечты".форма моей мечты выглядит примерно так же как и в японии. (желательно написать про форму для девочек).

Очинение "Школа моей мечты"
Самые важные годы своей жизни человек проводит в школе. Именно здесь он находит настоящих друзей, определяется в выборе своих увлечений, впервые сталкивается с жизненными трудностями и радуется своим первым победам. Школа надолго остается в сердце каждого человека светлым этапом жизненного пути.

Мне повезло, ведь я учусь в замечательной первой школе. Вот уже девять лет я каждое утро с удовольствием открываю школьные двери и окунаюсь в пестрый, шумный, голосящий на все лады мир. Это особый мир учеников и учителей, в котором каждый куда-то спешит. Чувствую, как, переступив школьный порог, оказываюсь в этом потоке и плыву, соблюдая свое направление. Меня не покидает ощущение, что я маленькая частичка большого организма, который зовется ШКОЛА.

В моей школе мне нравится все! Нравятся узкие лестницы, круглые деревянные перила, светлые классы, но больше всего - люди. У нас замечательные учителя! Они не просто проводят уроки, каждый старается заинтересовать своим предметом. Все вместе и каждый учитель в отдельности учит нас не только составлять формулы, доказывать теоремы, записывать химические реакции, благодаря нашим педагогам, мы постигаем самую важную науку: быть честными, добрыми, умело общаться, по-настоящему дружить.
И если кто-то скажет, что в городе Абакане есть более современные, более комфортные школы, я не буду спорить. Есть. Но если меня спросят: "Какая она, школа твоей мечты? " Я с гордостью отвечу: "Это моя родная школа №вашей школы".
4,6(55 оценок)
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The profession of lawyer is a special occupation with special training people, as a rule, is carried out on a reimbursable basis, in accordance with accepted professional standards.

Legal profession, professional legal activities, sector of legal work provide the functioning of the legal system. In the literature, legal work primarily viewed as rigid all obliged to individuals procedures established by the law, i.e. rather seems like the content of the procedural orders of magnitude.

From tips and making lawyers destiny of the people, their property and non-property relations, the stability of the economy, interests of the author and inventor, investment flows and, finally, the order on the street and the security of citizens. Staff of the legal professions often make very unfavorable for other serious solutions. Error lawyers (illegal arrest, the wrong decision of the court, inaction in a situation requiring intervention, simply irrational behavior) can have a negative effect on the state of legality and legal order, on the well-being of the members of the society. This feature affects the technology of work of lawyers, their relationships, psychological state.

Lawyers have different preparedness, different abilities. Each of them has their personal interests along with public. But all together they engaged in professional activities, the results of which strongly affect the quality of life of the people, and they all in one way or another are under control of the society, draw attention to themselves. It is a difficult and very necessary work and not always easy personal life.

On a personal level, i.e. for each lawyer is absolutely necessary and common to all areas of the legal activities are: mastering the professional legal approach as an integrated state of preparedness for professional legal activity; development of methods of work with documents (fixed); implementation of interpersonal communication, statement, awareness and addressing emerging legal issues; evaluation and implementation of the results of its activities.

This means that a lawyer should be ready to properly and timely respond to the needs of society, to master methods and techniques of work with changing legislation, extensive documentation, published literature. He should be able to talk with people, to listen to opponents, negotiate, participate in the discussion of legal Affairs or in the procedures of their collective permission. The lawyer needs to define its role in social life, economy and management, detect situations requiring intervention, must possess the decision of standard and non-standard legal problems. The professional lawyer should be able to formulate acceptable and executable draft decision, the relevant law, find the form of the expression of such a decision and implement it in the available for a lawyer within. The lawyer of the Russian Federation may be only a specialist who has a law degree with the qualification of master (letter of Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation On some issues connected with application of the legislation of education of 4 March 1996).
4,5(90 оценок)
The profession of lawyer is a special occupation with special training people, as a rule, is carried out on a reimbursable basis, in accordance with accepted professional standards.

Legal profession, professional legal activities, sector of legal work provide the functioning of the legal system. In the literature, legal work primarily viewed as rigid all obliged to individuals procedures established by the law, i.e. rather seems like the content of the procedural orders of magnitude.

From tips and making lawyers destiny of the people, their property and non-property relations, the stability of the economy, interests of the author and inventor, investment flows and, finally, the order on the street and the security of citizens. Staff of the legal professions often make very unfavorable for other serious solutions. Error lawyers (illegal arrest, the wrong decision of the court, inaction in a situation requiring intervention, simply irrational behavior) can have a negative effect on the state of legality and legal order, on the well-being of the members of the society. This feature affects the technology of work of lawyers, their relationships, psychological state.

Lawyers have different preparedness, different abilities. Each of them has their personal interests along with public. But all together they engaged in professional activities, the results of which strongly affect the quality of life of the people, and they all in one way or another are under control of the society, draw attention to themselves. It is a difficult and very necessary work and not always easy personal life.

On a personal level, i.e. for each lawyer is absolutely necessary and common to all areas of the legal activities are: mastering the professional legal approach as an integrated state of preparedness for professional legal activity; development of methods of work with documents (fixed); implementation of interpersonal communication, statement, awareness and addressing emerging legal issues; evaluation and implementation of the results of its activities.

This means that a lawyer should be ready to properly and timely respond to the needs of society, to master methods and techniques of work with changing legislation, extensive documentation, published literature. He should be able to talk with people, to listen to opponents, negotiate, participate in the discussion of legal Affairs or in the procedures of their collective permission. The lawyer needs to define its role in social life, economy and management, detect situations requiring intervention, must possess the decision of standard and non-standard legal problems. The professional lawyer should be able to formulate acceptable and executable draft decision, the relevant law, find the form of the expression of such a decision and implement it in the available for a lawyer within. The lawyer of the Russian Federation may be only a specialist who has a law degree with the qualification of master (letter of Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation On some issues connected with application of the legislation of education of 4 March 1996).
4,6(7 оценок)
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