Harry Potter is the main character of the books by J. K. Rowling. Harry is a young wizard. He had green eyes, thick dark hair, but his most interesting feature was a scar on his forehead. At the beginning of the story we learn how an evil wizard killed Harry's parents, but little Harry survived. He had to live with his aunt's family. When Harry was 11, he went to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He met his best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley there. The books describe their adventures.
Гарри Поттер - главный герой книг Дж. К. Роулинг. Гарри - юный волшебник. У него зеленые глаза, густые темные волосы, но его самой интересной чертой был шрам на лбу. В начале истории мы узнаем, как злой волшебник убил родителей Гарри, но маленький Гарри выжил. Ему пришлось жить с семьей его тети. Когда Гарри исполнилось 11 лет, он отправился учиться в Хогвартсскую школу магии и колдовства. Там он встретил своих лучших друзей Гермиону Грейнджер и Рона Уизли. Книги описывают их приключения.
Does he study German or French?
Do we go abroad every summer?
Does she go to the cinema at the weekend?
Do they eat porridge every morning?
I am not swimming now.
He is not watching a movie at the moment.
We are not laughing right now.
They are not screaming at the moment.
You are not writing a letter right now.