-a race (состязание в беге)
The right clothes for a race are a tracksuit (спортивный костюм) and running shoes. You shouldn't wear a dress or jeans for a race.
-a birthday party
The right clothes for a birthday party are a pretty dress for a girl and a shirt and nice trousers for a boy.
-a rainy summer day
On a rainy summer day you should wear a light raincoat (плащ; дождевик) and wellington boots/rain boots (резиновые сапоги).
-a cold winter day
On a cold winter day the right clothes are a sweater, warm trousers, warm boots, a winter jacket, a warm hat and a scarf. You should also wear gloves.
2. Masha is painting a picture.
3. We aren't visiting a friend.
4. Is Alex watching a film?
5. Are the children helping their mum?
6. Varya is dancing with her friend.