1 - a) Ireland b) British Isles c) Scotland d) UK
2 -a) Severn b) Thames c) Tyne d) Wye
3 -a) old b) modern c) small d) little
4- a) land b) place c) country d) port
5 -a) work b) visit c) live d) enjoy
6 -a) Europe b) world c) British Isles d) UK
7- a) long b) deep c) wide d) strong
8 -a) Sister b) Father c) Brother d) Granny
9 -a) cars b) houses c) streets d) parks
10 -a) go b) come c) visit d) fly
II. Match the parts of the sentence.
1. Red Rose is the symbol a) the capital of Wales 1c
2. Big Ben is b) the currency of the UK 2d
3. Cardiff is c) of England 3a
4. Queen of Great Britain lives d) the clock 4e
5. Pound is e) in Buckingham Palace 5b
III. Translate the sentences.
1. З яких частин складається Великобританія?
How many parts does Great Britain include?
2. Яка столиця Шотландії?
What is the capital of Scotland?
3. Де розташований Лондон?
What is the location of London? Where is London?
4. Яка найдовша річка Великобританії?
What is the longest river in Great Britain?
5. Хто живе в Букінгемському Палаці?
Who lives in Buckingham Palace?
Interrogative (вопросит.) - Do I get up at 8 o'clock everyday?