Для отрицательной формы в Present Simple используется вс глагол to do с частицей NOT. За ним идет смысловой глагол в инфинитиве.
Whiskey? No, thanks. I don’t drink. Виски? Нет Я не пью.Таблица: Present Simple и отрицательные предложения
I eat vegetables but I don’t eat meat. Я ем овощи, но не ем мясо.В простом настоящем к глаголу to do добавляется окончание -es для 3 лица единственного числа. В остальных случаях словоформа совпадает с инфинитивной.
I/we/you/they don’t … (I don’t like football)
he/she/it doesn’t … (He doesn’t like football)
В английском языке отрицательная форма Present Simple подразумевает спряжение только вс глагола. Помните и о глаголе to do, даже если он дважды встречается в предложении (как основной и как вс
I don’t like shopping. I don’t do it very often. Мне не нравится ходить по магазинам. Я не очень часто это делаю.
(2)One of his sea voyages ended with a shipwreck. Robinson found himself alone on a desert island.
(3)Robinson lived on the island for twenty-eight years. During those years, he built himself a house, learned how to fish and to grow plants. He also learned how to cook. At first he felt sad, but then he started to think that he lived a much better life here than he had done in Europe.
(4)He did not see any people for 15 years. Then, one day, he saw a footprint, and later saved a young man. Crusoe named him Friday, because he had found him on that day of the week. Friday was extremely grateful and became Robinson’s servant. He learned some English.
(5)For some years the two lived happily. Then, a ship came to the island. The ship was under pirates’ control. Crusoe saved the captain of the ship and his men from the pirates and they took him back to England.
(6)There Robinson found that in his absence he had become a wealthy man. Crusoe got married and had three children. Later, he visited his old island.