I need about twenty minutes to organize my morning.Мне нужно около двадцати минут, чтобы организовать своё утро.
The factory will begin to produce next year. Фабрика заработает в следующем году.
So we can deliver it this afternoon, or is Saturday better? Доставить сегодня во второй половине или лучше во вторник?
I don't believe many repairs will be necessary. Не думаю, что там необходим большой ремонт.
That is grammar and the Law. Вот основа и закон.
Tom told me why he wanted to study French. Том рассказал мне, почему он хочет изучать французский.
Machines as big as buildings. Машины, огромные как здания.
Maybe you could help me solve a little problem I have. Может ты мне с одним мелким дельцем?
Every year on our planet becomes less and less wild animals. And it is easy to understand it: the number of the population in the world, and the more people increases, the it is less than place for dwelling of animals.
Someone can think that animals disappear only because of hunting of the person for them. However without the rational and considered hunting regulating number of birds and animals, hardly now there would be roes, deer, saigas. Many animal species disappear from indirect influence of the person on their life. The matter is that the person involuntarily takes away from the "smaller brothers" natural habitats of animals, their fodder sites. Negatively deforestation, plowing of steppes, development of deserts, an osushka of bogs, a contamination of the rivers industrial wastes, pollution of the seas and the atmosphere affects the number of animals. These actions exterminate animals as quickly, as well as by means of a gun, poison, traps.
It is now important to keep any kind of animals whom the nature created during long millions years.
And why it is necessary to keep wild, especially rare and disappearing animals? Perhaps, many don't think of this question. But if think, and the answer for it find quickly: if so it isn't enough animals of any look, they, probably, have no value in the nature so and after their disappearance life on Earth won't stop. After all such examples the history knows much. However those who so thinks, deeply are mistaken. Fairly known English scientist Dzh speaks about the relation of people to wildlife. Darrell: "Our world as is difficult and as it is open to injury as a web. Concern a uniform pautinka, and all will tremble the others. And we not simply concern a web, we leave in it gaping holes, we conduct, it is possible to tell, biological fight against environment". The matter is that fauna of our planet — it not the casual congestion of different types of animals, and uniform, agrees functioning system and loss of any, the most insignificant at first sight a link conducts to serious changes. That is why it is important to keep each species of animals. Each look is unique, interesting and necessary to the nature and the person.
The close attention and careful attitude is deserved by wild animals, especially rare and endangered species of animals. It just that part of the organic world which is most vulnerable, and its loss not only is quite real, but also can occur in very short terms. For this reason preservation of rare and endangered species of animals, and also, of course, and plants is considered in the USSR as a problem of paramount importance.
To keep richness of wildlife moreover to increase it, the person should make a lot of things.
King Amenhotep -Egypt
What was capital of anceint Greese? Athens
Who were Dythagoras and Socrates? -Philosophers
The first Olympic Games were held in 776 before our era, in Ancient Greece, On the banks of the river Anpheus