1.Butter is made from milk. 2.The best tulips are grown in the Netherlands. 3. The Lada cars are produced in Tolyatti. 4. Warm winter sweaters are usually made of wool. 5. A.S Pushkin was born in 1799. Вопрос: 6. what pets are generally kept in cages? Каких домашних животных обычно(как правило) держат в клетках? ответ: 6. Hamsters are generally kept in cages. Хомяков обычно держат в клетках. 7. The English and the French languages are spoken in Canada. 8. The battle of Borodino was fought in 1812.
Good health is very important for every person. Moreover, there is nothing more important than health. Wise people even say: "Health is above health", because if you don't care of your health, you can't study or work properly. Unfortunately, having perfect health is almost impossible nowadays. The best way to stay healthy is to do regular morning exercises, to eat healthy food, to sleep at least eight hours a day and to quit bad habits. I think the best way to stay healthy is to go in for sport. My favourite sport is swimming. I spend a lot of time in the swimming pool. It gives me energy for the whole day. Other sports I enjoy are skiing and figure - skating. To stay healthy it is also important to spend lots of time in the open air. The good thing is that people in my country are becoming more health-conscious. In my opinion the number of smoking and alcohol drinking people is decreasing in our country. People started to understand how dangerous these two habits are. Obesity is another health problem of our time. A healthy diet involves many fruit and vegetables. Healthcare is an important part of our state's policy. Healthcare in Ukraine is free and available to all citizens. But sometimes doctors and consultants will charge a fee for their time because free services only cover basic provision. There is also private healthcare. All citizens have equal rights to get medical aid. Many pharmacies are open 24 hours. Ukrainian healthcare is run by the Ministry of Health, with all working citizens contributing to the cost.
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