1. his team had won the game the previous Saturday.
2. his parents were leaving the following week.
3. his classmates had had fantastic holidays.
4. the teacher had presented a new material the day before.
5. he had had coffee for breakfast.
6. his mum had cooked a delicious lunch.
7. their local station broadcasted the latest news.
8. modern newspapers provided its readers with the current information.
9. a new game show had been presented the previous Monday.
10. interviews about celebrities had been published the day before.
11. their local newspaper covered on interesting info.
12. his future profession would be connected with medicine.
13. the previous weekend they had gone on an excursion.
14. mr. White was a journalist.
15. necessary info had been published in the last issue the day before.
Перед всеми предложениями только нужно добавить John said that...
Once a very fat lady took to the street. She was going to the store. It was hard for her to go. On the contrary, a very thin girl comes up. She looks at the fat, and the fat at her. The lady stops her and says: “Looking at you, it seems to me that there is no food left in the world. A thin girl looks at her and says:“ Looking at you, I understand why ... The thin girl passed by the fat one. And the fat one looked at her and was surprised. So they did not see each other again.
объяснениене спрашивайте...Однажды очень толстая дама вышла на улицу. Она шла в магазин. Ей было трудно идти. И напротив подходит очень худая девушка. Она смотрит на толстую, а толстая на неё. Дама останавливает её и говорит: "Глядя на тебя мне кажется, что в мире не осталось еды. Худая девушка смотрит на неё и говорит: "Глядя на тебя я понимаю почему... Худая девушка мимо толстой. А толстая смотрела на неё и удивлялась. Так они больше не виделись.
Все слова, которые стоят после местоимения much, употребляются в единственном числе.
В тех речевых ситуациях, когда вы затрудняетесь с выбором между many и much, используйте a lot of – не ошибетесь.
Many употребляется там, где предметы можно посчитать поштучно. Если же они счету не поддаются, смело вставляйте в предложение слово much.