My lifestyle is helping to reptiles also cracodiles, they are like my childs Just help everyone be yourself and don't forget to smile be kind and try to safe our lifes
I agree with Rosa Luxemburg's thoughts and I think that every person has his own freedom. We decide to be free or not. One people think that freedom is an independence from their parents and other adults. Others think that freedom is the freedom to do what they want and go where they want. In my opinion, to be free means just to live and enjoy the sun and the sky, to love my friends and my parents. Freedom is a peaceful sky, bright stars, the sun, the sea and the warm sand...
Я согласен с мыслями Розы Люксембург и думаю, что каждый человек имеет свою собственную свободу. Мы сами решаем быть свободными или нет. Одним людям кажется, что свобода - это независимость от родителей и других взрослых людей. Другие думают, что свобода - это возможность делать то, что они хотят, ходить туда, куда им хочется. По-моему, быть свободным - это значит просто жить и радоваться солнцу и небу, любить своих друзей и родителей. Свобода - это мирное небо, ясные звезды, солнце, море и теплый песок...
Each person that I have known has taught me something, but a significant amount of what I have learnt and implemented has come from my mom. The fact that my mom has had the greatest influence on me is simply because she is the person who has taught me to be responsible for myself, something which has also helped me to discover who I really am. Her sense of independence is an aspect that has had a profound effect on me; I believe that independence opens up many opportunities because it requires that a person be confident in his identity and that he know his needs, goals, and limitations. My mom was taught to be independent from a very young age – my grandparents are strong, hard-working people who knew that self-sufficiency was necessary if goals were to be achieved. What my mom has always stressed is to lead an active life, pursuing dreams and not waiting for them to materialize. She has a sense of invincibility that enables her to pursue anything without the fear of failure; only
also cracodiles, they are like my childs
Just help everyone be yourself and don't forget to smile
be kind and try to safe our lifes