На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкMy future professionМоя будущая профессияMy name is Svetlana. I am in the seventh grade. There are many different professions in the world, but I want to become a doctor. After finishing school I am going to enter medical institute. It seems to me that it’s my vocation. I like to help people. To become a doctor I must be good at studies because a doctor is needed and responsible profession. We trust doctors the main what we have – our life and that’s why a doctor must be qualified specialist. He must help people at any time of the day. A doctor can’t make a mistake. Qualified specialist always diagnoses and institutes therapy correctly. Human life often depends on professionalism of a doctor. They must be very heedful and openhearted people. A doctor always must worry about a health of his patient. He must be able to inspire patients with faith. My mother and grandmother are doctors. They are proud of their profession and like it. I consider that a doctor is the best profession.
Ялюблю путешествовать. прежде всего, члены нашей семьи обычно имеют долго прогулки в стране. такие прогулки называют экскурсиями. если мы хотим видеть сельскую местность, мы должны провести часть нашего летнего отпуска на экскурсиях. это полезно для всех членов нашей семьи. мы берем наши рюкзаки, мы не думаем о билетах, мы не торопимся, и мы идем много. в течение таких экскурсий мы видим много интересных мест, иногда мы встречаемся. интересные люди. я люблю путешествовать на машине. это интересно также, потому что вы можете видеть много вещей в скором времени. когда мы идем на машине, мы не берем билеты также, мы помещаем все вещи, в которых мы нуждаемся в автомобиле. мы не несем их.
The children could help you, couldn't they ? the children go there every day, don't they? the children went there every day, didn't they? sam wrote the exercise, didn't he? we have got something to tell her, haven't we? there is something interesting in the box, isn't there? mrs smith spends her holidays in finland, doesn't she? mr write spent his holidays in london, didn't he? helen sent a lot of postcards, didn't she? helen sends a lot of postcards, doesn't she?