Составьте небольшой рассказ о пользе компьютеров на языке,с аргументами,используя следующие слова: improves communication, calculations much quicker. good for the ecology make life easier
My room is small, but it is very cozy and bright. My room belongs only to me and no one shares it with me. In addition, my room is the most distant from the other rooms in my house and no one can eavesdrop on me. There is a bed, bookshelves and a writing desk with a computer on it. My room is not just a place where I can relax, it is also a place where I can work! There are many large and exotic plants. It creates a special atmosphere here. I love traveling and soccer, so on the walls in my room there are a lot of pictures and posters of footballers or different countries. Also I collect model cars, so on my shelf you can see a number of beautiful and old-fashioned cars. I personally believe that precisely this collection of selected cars and posters on the walls makes my room a bit special and unique. There is also a stereo system and a guitar. Sometimes when I stay home alone, I turn on the music at full volume, or play guitar with friends. No matter what anyone says, my room is great!
Сама перевела, интересно кстати) Не моё дело конечно, но зачем ехать в соседнюю деревню,не зная где ночевать?
One summer, my friend and I went to a neighboring village. The path was 28 kilometers. We drove 3 kilometers and saw the lizards' family crawling. We stopped to look at them and they turned out to be kind. We stroked them and drove on. After three hours drive, we have aching legs. We see the field on which there is a haystack. After 10 kilometers we saw a cub of a horror. We stroked it and went on the road. The evening is approaching and it remains 5 km. Our legs hurt very much, but we reached the village. We had to find a place to stay, and then, my friend Vika remembered the familiar Alyona, from whom we also spent the night. Such a wonderful day I remembered in the near future.