I have had a lot of different food in the last two days. In the morning, I ate some porridge. Eating porridge for the breakfast keeps you a healthy and strong person. Then I had a lunch at my school. I usually eat soup, some rice and chicken legs. However, the last two days I have eaten hamburgers and chips. Shame on me! Then I came home and I ate macaroni with some beef. It was quite a healthy dinner. In the evening, I drank some milk and ate some biscuits.
Я употреблял много разной еды в последние два дня. Утром, я ел кашу. Каша на завтрак вам оставаться сильным и здоровым человеком. Затем в школе у меня был ланч. Я обычно ем суп, рис и куриные ножки. Однако, последние два дня я ел гамбургеры и картошку. Позор мне! Затем в пришел домой и поел макарон с говядиной. Довольно полезный обед. Вечером я выпил немного молока и скушал печенье.
There are fifty states in the USA. The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, be the Atlantic Ocean in the east by the Carribean Sea and Gulf of Mexico in the south. In the north there are Great Lakes. The US is a large country with many natural wonders. More than 250 million people live in the US. There are a lot of parks, forests and wildlands. The Grand Canyon, Yosemite Valley, and Yellowstone are among the most famous. Many rivers cross the United States. But the greatest is the mighty Mississippi.
The Grand Canyon is one of Americas main tourist attractions. The canyon looks different at different times of day, and in different seasons and weather. The United States is a young country. It is sometimes, in fact, called the "New World". The people of the United States are a mixture of many different
nationalities.Different people brought to their new land a wonderful mixture of customs and traditions.