1По профессии автомеханик, он был одарённым пилотом и всякий раз, когда летел в качестве моего ведомого, действовал надёжно, смело и точно
2Хитрый автомеханик может «забыть» подтянуть приводной ремень в вашей машине, и тогда вам приходится снова обращаться в ремонт, — вот и некоторые прорицатели прибегают к такого рода уловкам, только они имеют дело с вашей энергией.
3Такова же по роду деятельности и обязанность автомеханика в мастерской.
4Как правило, автомеханики имеют специализацию, связанную с обслуживанием определённых систем автомобиля: специалисты по кузовным работам, мотористы, шиномонтажники, автоэлектрики и т
Hi Ted! (Я не знаю имени друга, и я назвал его Тед)
I'm glad to know you're fine! In the last letter you have written to me that you wants to find a part-time job to earn some money. Well, it is good, because the money are always good. Yes, it is popular in our country to have a part-time job Russia. I think it is not bad to earn some money for teenagers, but I think teenagers mustn't work every day, because first, it is too hard for them to work every day, second, it is better for them to learn hard than to work every day.
Oh, my mom is calling me - I must do my homework. I am looking forward to see you and I hope you good work!
With respect,
(Твоё имя тут).
(Ты можешь не писать часть моего письма, если тебе оно покажется тебе слишком большим)
(Я был бы очень рад, если бы ты сделал мой ответ лучшим)
To my mind the main purpose of traveling is studying the way of life, cultures of other people, observing people's relationships, different historical monuments and many-many other. Traveling also is a splendid way of communication and making new friends because we are more alike than unalike. Perhaps the great disadvantage of tour-programs is the thing that we are allowed to see only what the organizers want us to see and no more. That makes, somehow, our opinion traditional and narrow. We have no opportunity to formulate our own opinion according to our experience. The sad thing about this situation is that it leads to the persistence of national stereotype. We don't see the people of other nations as they really are, but as we have been made up to believe they are. We are all similar to each other but at the same time unique.