Hello. Hello. What do you want? I would like to buy a gift for my friend. Have you already chosen a gift? Yes. I would like to buy this book. Great choice. How much do I need to pay you? () Pounds. Good. Bye. Bye.
- Hi - Hello, What do you want? - I want buy gift for my friend - Which? - Wonderful and need! - Wait! - This? - No! - This? - No! - This? - Yes! Конец!
1. I missed the bus this morning, so I had to go on foot. (я сегодня утром опоздал на автобус, поэтому мне пришлось идти пешком)
2. the train arrived at the station and we got on. (поезд прибыл на вокзал и мы сели)
3. he hasn't got much money and I can't lend him. (он не получил много денег и я не могу одолжить ему)
4. I had to get from London to Madrid very qickly so I should get on a plane. (мне нужно добраться из Лондона в Мадрид очень быстро, так что я должен сесть на самолет)
5. this is my stop. I have to get out. (это моя остановка. я должен выйти)
6. I think I can hail a taxi to take me to the raliway station. (я думаю, что я могу поймать такси, чтобы отвезти меня до железнодорожного вокзала)
7. I had missed the bus, because I was late. (я пропустил автобус, потому что я опоздал)
Katya from Russia: exhaust tomorrow. I need to look my best. What should I wear? TINA GLAM: Wear the red dress. You'll look all the brighter.Katya from Russia asks me what she should wear to the prom, Tina advises her to wear a red dress.
Angelina from Minsk: Tomorrow I have an interview at the University, what should I wear to look successful?TINA GLAM: Wear a skirt and blouse, then sure the interview is successful.Angelina from Minsk asks what she should wear for the interview, Tina advises her to wear a skirt and blouse. Olga from Chernigov: Tomorrow I'm going to play tennis, is it better to wear?TINA GLAM: Wear the shorts and top and make you look irresistible!Olga from Chernigov wondering what she should wear to tennis, Tina advises her to wear shorts and a top.
Hello. What do you want?
I would like to buy a gift for my friend.
Have you already chosen a gift?
Yes. I would like to buy this book.
Great choice.
How much do I need to pay you?
() Pounds.