Have you already met Mr. Bin and his wife?Вы уже встречались с мистером Бином и его супругой? Has Linda learnt English before?Линда учила английский раньше? Have you ever been to America?Вы когда-либо были в Америке? Have they finished yet?Они еще не закончили? Has he been late for the meeting again? Он снова опоздал на встречу?
1.I decided to make a fuss, and went to look for Robinson. 2. We walked to the door and I saw her go in and down the hall. I liked to watch her move. 3. Let's go and find him, he's sure to be in front of his picture. 4. It's very interesting to hear you say that. 5. Some important decisions must be made soon. 6.I think he must be suffering from injury now. 7. You must have been dreaming of it long. 8. Let me hold the baby, Scarlett. Oh, I know how to hold babies. 9. She noticed that he seemed to be looking at the sideboard and with her engaging smile leaned forward. 10. But there is something else to do/to be done. 11. "If you've got nothing to say," I said, "why try to say it? Why not have a little rest?" 12. There was one more announcement made/to be made.
Hello, my dear friend ... ( имя друга).How are you? What are you doing there? In last letter you wrote me about your favourite holiday. You sayed that you like Valentine's day. You asked me to write about my favourite holiday. You know, all holidays are good, and all are lovely. But every person has own holiday, which he love to spend. My favourite holiday is New Year. There are many reasons for it. First, it's the holiday which we spend with whole family, talk, eat and laugh together. On New Year we decorate out houses and cook different dishes. And it is the important part of that. Also I love to wait till 12 to say Happy New Year! That's all, my dear friend. I hope you love New Year too. I'll wait your answer, write me often. Best wishes, ...(твое имя)