Everyone wants to live in a happy family. There are some factors that make a happy family.First of all. It’s very important to find time to talk to each of the members and arrange activities for the entire family to take part. Family cooking, watching television, outing, game nights, picnics in the park, etc., are perfect family activities to make a happy family. Family should not be considered a place to just rest after the work and eat the food.Secondly. Family is the place one learns the basics of love, affection, warmth, encouragement and sharing. Express your affection and attachment towards other members in family with gestures, action and words. Telling just the three words 'I love you' makes others understand the depth of your concern for them. Without love a family is just a group of people living together. It is not enough to just feel it, it needs to be demonstrated and expressed on a day-to-day basis.One more factor is communication. It is the key to build a happy family. Be positive in your communication within the family and truly, the positive communication is the language of love.
Это предлоги. In как пространственный предлог имеет значение 'в, внутри'. Предлог in используется для обозначения нахождения или в очень большом, или в очень маленьком месте. She lives in a big house. Do you live in the centre or in the suburbs of the city ? 'Она живет в большом доме. Вы живете в центре или на окраине города?' Пространственный предлог at обозначает принадлежность чего-либо или кого-либо месту,процессу. 'Jake works at factory.Джек работает на фабрике.( принадлежит "фабрике" как месту работы). Предлоги in, at используются с различными по своей величине объемами времени : предлог in используется с крупными объемами(год, месяц), а предлог at - с точными указаниями времени, с "точкой" на временной шкале. At - как предлог времени - используется, когда необходимо указать точное время (точка на циферблате часов) : at twenty minutes to nine, at eight o'clock.
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