Поставь глагол в соответствующую форму. tom car (ride) together (play) i cheese (have) english well (speak) john jeans (have) the mouse the field(run) the mice (run) children (like) ann water (want)
1. These are my stockings. 2. They have new suits. 3. These metals are very hard. 4. Those ships Russian ones. 5.We heard their voices. 6. His (=Their) dogs don't like bread. 7. The plates were on the tables. 8. These towns are very large. 9. We were talking to them at the tram stop yesterday. 10. Are those girls your sisters? 11. We shall give you our books. 12. These stories will be good ones. 13. Are these good matches? 14. The boys put their books on the desks. 15. They took off their hats. 16. Those houses are new. 17. The pupils put their books into the bags. 18. Are these students coming with us, too? 19. The women didnt say anything. 20. Do they speak English?
Alexander Pushkin was born in Moscow. From an early age, Pushkin was brought up in literary circles. His father was a connoisseur of literature, I had a large library, an uncle was a poet. House Pushkin visited Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Dmitriev. Communication with her grandmother, with Arina with uncle Nikita Kozlov gave many impressions the young Pushkin. His father and uncle decided to determine the Alexander Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo, where he began studying in 1811. On the role of the Lyceum in the formation of the personality of Pushkin says a lot. Recall the names of friends, where Pushkin found in the Lyceum: Ivan Leo Wilhelm Kiichelbecker Anton Delvig. They always remained faithful and close friends Pushkin. At the Lyceum, Pushkin began to write poetry, the first poem "To a friend the poet" was published in 1814. After graduating from the Lyceum, Pushkin did not return to Moscow in 1817, he moved to St. Petersburg and was enlisted in the service of the College of Foreign Affairs. In St. Petersburg, he spoke in a secular society and in the literary environment, attended balls and theaters. In 1820 he finished the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - the first major work. For epigrams, free verse, is rapidly spreading in St. Petersburg, in 1820, Pushkin was sent to the southern link. For four years, he moved to different cities: LOTS, Kishinev, Odessa. During this reference he wrote romantic southern poem "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai", "Brothers robbers" and in 1823 he began work on the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin". In 1824 Pushkin was sent to the northern link to the estate of their parents Mikhailovskoye, where after the departure of the family living with the nanny. There he continued to work on the "Eugene Onegin", wrote "Boris Godunov", a poem. There, in St. Michael, came to visit his friends, to Leo brought Pushkin "Woe from Wit" being there, Pushkin had a conversation. They found him the news of the revolt of the Decembrists, which was attended by many of his friends, and their execution. September 4, 1826 1 Nikolai unexpectedly summoned Pushkin in Moscow. But freedom provided by the king, was short-lived. Already in 1328 issued a decree of the State Council on the supervision of Pushkin. In the same year, he voluntarily went to the Caucasus, where his friends were. In 1830 Pushkin woo the Natalia Goncharova. Before his marriage he left the estate in Boldino, where he was forced to stay because of the quarantine. This period in the works of Pushkin called boldins, during which he wrote a large number of literary works of different genres. 15 maya.1831, Pushkin got married and moved to St. Petersburg. During these years he worked in the archives, wrote a work on historical themes. This "Dubrovsky", "The Captain's Daughter", "History of Pugachev". Pushkin journal "Contemporary", was his editor, talked Belinsky, Gogol, with the artists. Difficulties arose again when Pushkin was forced to talk in court circles. February 9, 1837 Pushkin shot himself in a duel with Dantes, was fatally and died February 10 at his home on the Moika.
2. play.
3. have.
4. speaks.
5. has.
6. runs.
7. run.
8. wants.