Моя мама – самый дорогой человек для меня. Я её очень люблю. Люблю не за что-то, а так за то, что она у меня есть. Я очень горжусь и дорожу своей мамой. Ближе неё у меня никого нет. Мою маму зовут () . Она красивая. Люблю мамину улыбку и большие зелёные глаза, которые сверкают озорными огоньками, задорный смех и её руки, заботливые, тёплые, дорогие мне две ладошки. Моя мама очень добрая, хорошо ладит с людьми, все её уважают и любят. Она умеет поддержать в трудную минуту и согреть своей теплотой, когда иногда мне бывает грустно и горько.
My mother is the most precious person to me. I love her very much. I love it not for anything, but just for the fact that I have it. I am very proud and cherish my mother. I have no one closer to her. My mother's name is () . She's beautiful. I love my mother's smile and big green eyes that sparkle with mischievous lights, perky laughter and her hands, caring, warm, dear to me two palms. My mother is very kind, gets along well with people, everyone respects and loves her. She knows how to support me in difficult times and warm me with her warmth when sometimes I feel sad and bitter.
Boxing is a combat sport in which two people, usually wearing protective gloves, throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time in a boxing ring. Amateur boxing is both an Olympic and Commonwealth Games sport and is a common fixture in most international games—it also has its own World Championships. Boxing is overseen by a referee over a series of one- to three-minute intervals called rounds. While humans have fought in hand-to-hand combat since the dawn of human history, the earliest evidence of fist-fighting sporting contests date back to the ancient Middle East in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BCE. The earliest evidence of boxing rules date back to Ancient Greece, where boxing was established as an Olympic game in 688 BC. Boxing evolved from 16th- and 18th-century prizefights, largely in Great Britain, to the forerunner of modern boxing in the mid-19th century with the 1867 introduction of the Marquess of Queensberry Rules.