У многих глаголов в английском языке форма infinitiv обозначается приставкой to be (на месте be ставим нужный нам глагол).
1. "I will go in first, shall I?" he said. "There's no light in the passage, and you may (fall) over something." >>> "There's no light in the passage, and you may to fall over something".
2.For all... may still to live in that old house of his.
3.Don't reject... might to do a thing or two.
4. I thought you might to discover it...
5. You might to get the soldiers into...
6. "All right... it might to be a very serious matter".
7. After all, Timothy might to make a mistake, ...
8. Who knows what may to happen tomorrow?
9. But for...it might to turn out to be...
10. What a... really might to spare me...
11. It appeared... than it might to expect...
12. How did the boy... it might to be worse.
1. He is sure he will come on time too.
2. I don’t know either.
3. He couldn’t remember the rules either.
4. We are also very much interested in English.
5. I’m sorry, I haven’t read the text either.
6. Do you also like the book? Yes, I, do. I like it.
7. Will you also come back at the end of June?
8. She said she would like to spend her vacation in the country too.
* too обычно стоит в конце предложения, а also - после подлежащего, перед смысловым глаголом (но после глагола be) и иногда в начале предложения.
(ˈpiːpl niːd ˈvɪtəmɪnz tuː steɪ ˈhɛlθi. “ˈvaɪtə” miːnz laɪf ɪn ˈlætɪn. ˈpiːpl gɛt ˈvɪtəmɪnz frɒm ðə fuːd ðeɪ iːt. ðeər ɑːr ə lɒt ɒvˈvɪtəmɪnz ɪn
fruːt ænd ˈvɛʤɪtəblz. bʌt juː kæn ˈhɑːdli faɪnd ˈɛni ˈjuːsfʊl ˈvɪtəmɪnz ɪn kəʊk, ʧɪps ænd ˈʌðə fɑːst fuːd. iːʧ ˈvɪtəmɪnɪz rɪsˈpɒnsəbl fɔː ˈdɪfrənt θɪŋz ɪn ðə ˈhjuːmən ˈbɒdi. ðeər ɑːr əˈbaʊt tɛn ˈmeɪʤə ˈvɪtəmɪnz. ðeɪ ɑː ˈjuːʒʊəli neɪmd baɪ ə ˈlɛtər ɒvði ˈælfəbɪt (А, В, siː, diː, ɪtˈsɛtrə.)
Vitamin A is in green and yellow vegetables, milk and eggs. It’s necessary for seeing in the dark.
Vitamin B1 is in meat, porridge and bread. В1 is responsible for the nervous system. Lack of this vitamin leads to serious illnesses and even death.
ˈvɪtəmɪn ə ɪz ɪn griːn ænd ˈjɛləʊ ˈvɛʤɪtəblz, mɪlk ænd ɛgz. ɪts ˈnɛsɪsəri fɔː ˈsiːɪŋ ɪn ðə dɑːk.
ˈvɪtəmɪn biː wʌn ɪz ɪn miːt, ˈpɒrɪʤ ænd brɛd. В wʌn ɪz rɪsˈpɒnsəbl fɔː ðə ˈnɜːvəs ˈsɪstɪm. læk ɒv ðɪs ˈvɪtəmɪn liːdz tuː ˈsɪərɪəsˈɪlnɪsɪz ænd ˈiːvən dɛθ.
Vitamin С is in every fruit and vegetable. You can find this vitamin in black currants, strawberries, oranges and grapefruits, onions, cabbages and green peppers.
Vitamin С is important for building bones and teeth. It helps to prevent colds.
ˈvɪtəmɪn С ɪz ɪn ˈɛvri fruːt ænd ˈvɛʤɪtəbl. juː kæn faɪnd ðɪs ˈvɪtəmɪn ɪn blæk ˈkʌrənts, ˈstrɔːbəriz, ˈɒrɪnʤɪz ændˈgreɪpˌfruːts, ˈʌnjənz, ˈkæbɪʤɪz ænd griːn ˈpɛpəz.
ˈvɪtəmɪn С ɪz ɪmˈpɔːtənt fɔː ˈbɪldɪŋ bəʊnz ænd tiːθ. ɪt hɛlps tuː prɪˈvɛnt kəʊldz.
Vitamin D is in eggs. People can also get it from sunlight. It makes our bones strong.
Vitamin E is necessary for skin and body. It’s in the wheat and nuts.
ˈvɪtəmɪn diː ɪz ɪn ɛgz. ˈpiːpl kæn ˈɔːlsəʊ gɛt ɪt frɒm ˈsʌnlaɪt. ɪt meɪks ˈaʊə bəʊnz strɒŋ.
ˈvɪtəmɪn iː ɪz ˈnɛsɪsəri fɔː skɪn ænd ˈbɒdi. ɪts ɪn ðə wiːt ænd nʌts.
Vitamins B6 and К are necessary for human blood. You can find B6 in beans and milk; К — in potatoes, tomatoes and carrots. Vitamins make people healthy, optimistic and strong.
ˈvɪtəmɪnz biː sɪks ænd К ɑː ˈnɛsɪsəri fɔː ˈhjuːmən blʌd. juː kæn faɪnd biː sɪks ɪn biːnz ænd mɪlk; К — ɪn pəˈteɪtəʊz, təˈmɑːtəʊzænd ˈkærəts. ˈvɪtəmɪnz meɪk ˈpiːpl ˈhɛlθi, ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk ænd strɒŋ.
I eat to live, but I don’t live to eat. Choose healthy food.
aɪ iːt tuː lɪv, bʌt aɪ dəʊnt lɪv tuː iːt. ʧuːz ˈhɛlθi fuːd.