1. Are you reading a book now? 2. Do you read books every evening? 3. How long will you learn this poem to the next English lessons? 4. At what time do you get up usually? 5. At what time will you get up next weekend? 6. Where are you going now? 7. Look, Marry is crossing the street now. 8. She crosses this street every morning, when she go to her school. 9. My parents will visit theater tomorrow and I will stay with little sister. 10. My brother plays guitar well, but I don't play guitar, I play football well. 11. We won't go to the zoo tomorrow. 12. Will you go to this exhibition with me next Sunday? 13. He isn't learning the poem now, he is watching TV. 14. My sister doesn't like coffee, she prefer green tea. 15. This children always help their grandmother and take care of her. 16. The relationships between all members of our family will be closer in the future. 17. My Granny lives independent life in her own home and she is happy. 18. What did presents your Granny received for her last birthday? 19. Look, he sit in the armchair on this photo. 20. He sits in this armchair near the fireplace every evening. 21. My sister know English well but she will learn German in the future. 22. How many foreign languages do you know?
2.Она дала ему немного воды, чтобы он умыл руки и лицо.
3.У него есть пара книг дома, поэтому он пошёл в библиотеку.
4. После урока, каждый почувствовал усталость.
5. Мне здесь нравится. Давай останемся здесь ещё ненадолго.
6. В этом тексте было много новых слов, поэтому Питер потрятил много времени, чтобы выучить их.
7. В этой тарелке было мало сахара и я положил ещё немного.
8. Я немного знаю французский и я могу тебе с переводом этого текста.
10.Когда мы были далеко от дороги мы встретили группу учеников.
11. Хочу сказать пару слов о путешествии