СНАЧАЛА НА РУССКОМ, ЗАТЕМ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ) Весенний салат - один из самых вкусных, какие я когда либо побывала! Всего несколько пунктов, как его приготовить, а по дому веет запах, вкуснейшего салата!
Салат помыть, а затем порвать на кусочки. Затем смазать зубчиком чеснока салатницу и уложить в нее салат. Нарезанные помидоры и сладкий перец, уложить слоями поверх листьев салата. Измельченный зубчик чеснока смешать с растительным маслом и несколькими каплями лимонного сока. Полить салат за полчаса перед подачей на стол. В конце добавить приправы и перец. Приятного аппетита!
Spring salad - one of the tastiest, which I have ever probyvala! Just a few puntkov how to cook it, and blows the house smell delicious salad!
Lettuce washed, and then break into pieces. Then lubricate the clove of garlic salad bowl and put in it a salad. Sliced tomatoes and peppers, put layers on top of lettuce. Crushed clove of garlic mixed with vegetable oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Drizzle salad for half an hour before serving. In the end, add seasoning and pepper. Bon Appetite!
Travelling is an enjoyable and wonderful experience.I think everyone enjoys travelling whereas a few detest travelling and prefer to stay at home.Many people like to travel with a companion or prefer to travel alone.I prefer to travel with a friend or family. We can share the moments together.Wherever we go, we go as a group.We have loads of fun as we are all together and enjoy those precious moments that we spend with our family as those moments cannot return.While travelling in a group we gain knowledge together. Life is an adventure and we only live once. So I like to travel to broaden my mind, for adventure and for opportunity and to discover the unknown…the list goes on.Traveling is a good learning experience about the world, and helps me not to take things for granted, as well as enjoy all the people and beautiful places / foods / languages out there. A lot of the places we can visit haven't changed for centuries.It's a great place to photograph. Travelling has to be fun and enjoyable.So I prefer to travel with a companion rather than to travel alone as it is boring to travel alone.
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