1. Nightingales named her so because she was born in the Italian city of Florence.
2. Yes, she was a really higly educated woman.
3. Her dream was to become a nurse.
4. Because in Florence's days nursing was done only by women of the lowest moral class.
5. Florence visited lots of hospitals, read books on nursing, reports of medical societies, histories of hospitals. Also, she spent some weeks as a sister in a hospital and three months in a nursing school.
6. She and other 38 nurses turned it into a clean, well-organised hospital.
7. For the reason that every single night she carried a little oil lamp to light her way.
8. She was a very courageous woman, which was very important in her time. After reading the story, I think that Florence is a real heroine, and nowadays such women and even men are sorely lacking.
1. Some new houses were built last year. 2. The buyers must be informed on the arrival of the ship. 3.Money was left at home. 4.These books are taken from the library. 5. The bank was robbed last week. 6. The laboratory was equipped with the latest computers. 7. Wonderful discoveries are made by scientists. 8. The opera ‘Ivan Susanin’ was composed by Glinka. 9. The village will be connected with the town by a railway line. 10. Who this article was written by? 11. This theatre was designed by a famous architect. 12. The contract was signed last week. 13. Chinese is spoken by almost half of mankind.
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