Привет Том. Сегодня отличная погода, а впереди выходные дни. Давай вместе устроим путешествие на велосипедах на опушке соснового леса. После уроков жду тебя у парка в тринадцать часов. Если вдруг ты не сможешь, позвони мне. Это хорошее предложение Боб. Я давно хочу отправиться в путешествие. Я еще не обновил свой велосипед. Жди меня, я обязательно приеду к парку.
Hi Tom. Weather's great today, and ahead of the weekend. Let's arrange a bike trip on the edge of a pine forest. After school I'll meet you at the Park in thirteen hours. If you can't, call me. It's a good suggestion Bob. I've always wanted to go on a trip. I haven't upgraded my bike. Wait for me, I will come to the Park.
Protect the environment from industrial pollution .Keep the land, air and water clean.Keep our environment clean. All woods are home for animals. So behave as guests. Help nature. Protect it. Тhe Earth is our home.Don,t pollute it. When you hike, leave the place clean. Plant a tree to create home for birds, squirrels and other small animals. it's not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place. We can plant trees and create parks for endangered species. We can recycle litter. We can support green parties and put pressure on those in power. Together we can save the planet and all of us with it.
1) radio was their the only link with outside world 2)my friend had so troubled face when I met him last time. 3)as far as i understood my brother has quiet determination to complete that translation until midnight. 4)i'm going to be wearing fine cloth at his birthday party. 5)Omar Khayyam's poems always full of deep sense. 6)when I grow up i wish to study at prestigious school. 7)I met a lot of fashion designers at the Ukrainian fashion week last month. 8)i was asking him not to do this countless times. 9) (простите должна бежать ...
Привет Том. Сегодня отличная погода, а впереди выходные дни. Давай вместе устроим путешествие на велосипедах на опушке соснового леса. После уроков жду тебя у парка в тринадцать часов. Если вдруг ты не сможешь, позвони мне. Это хорошее предложение Боб. Я давно хочу отправиться в путешествие. Я еще не обновил свой велосипед. Жди меня, я обязательно приеду к парку.
Hi Tom. Weather's great today, and ahead of the weekend. Let's arrange a bike trip on the edge of a pine forest. After school I'll meet you at the Park in thirteen hours. If you can't, call me. It's a good suggestion Bob. I've always wanted to go on a trip. I haven't upgraded my bike. Wait for me, I will come to the Park.