Город: Нью-Сити. Это огромный мегаполис, в котором постоянно кипит жизнь. В нем проживают люди самых разных национальностей. На улицах города очень есть точки быстрого питания, гостиницы и пр. В нем постоянно светит солнце, и если и бывают дожди, то только для сохранения растений, животных, и для тех кто любит дождь, больше солнца. В городе самые разные дома: начиная от маленьких квартирок и домиков, заканчивая огромными небоскребами.
City: New City. Is a huge metropolis which is constantly full of life. It is home to people of different nationalities. On the streets there are very fast food outlets, hotels, etc. there's always sunshine, and if there are rains, only to preserve the plants, animals, and for those who love the rain, more sun. The city's a variety of homes from small flats and houses to huge skyscrapers.
Придумала я: По русски: Я живу в городе " Стар". В моем городе немного людей. Он известен в узких кругах.В нём очень много сладостей , ФАСТ-ФУДА, а так же полезной еды. если кто-то захочет фаст-фуд, он просто пожелает этого и окажется в Макдоналдсе. Так же и со сладостями и полезной едой. В моём выдуманном городе нету бедных людей. Все сильные и богатые. Добрые и красивые люди. Я создала этот мир, и я хочу в нём жить. Жаль, что это только фантазии. По английски : I live in the city "Old". In my city a few people. He is known in narrow circles.There are a lot of sweets , FAST FOOD and healthy food. if someone wants fast food, he just wants it and will be at McDonald's. It's the same with sweet and wholesome food. In my fictional city, no poor people. All strong and rich. Kind and beautiful people. I created this world, and I want to live in it. It is a pity that this is just fantasy.
Christmas Day is the holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all friends give each other presents.
Carol singing is a traditional part of Christmas. In the evening children come to the door of a house and sing for a person who lives in this house. Then he or she gives children nuts and candies. If I live in Great Britain, I will sing that songs too.
So, Christmas is a lovely holiday for all the people in Great Britain. I love this wonderful holiday. Christmas is my lovely holiday in the world. I think that people in our world love this fantasticholiday too.
City: New City. Is a huge metropolis which is constantly full of life. It is home to people of different nationalities. On the streets there are very fast food outlets, hotels, etc. there's always sunshine, and if there are rains, only to preserve the plants, animals, and for those who love the rain, more sun. The city's a variety of homes from small flats and houses to huge skyscrapers.