1. She has some new dresses.
У нее есть несколько новых платьев.
2. I don't need any help.
Мне не нужна Положи немного сахара в мой кофе.
4. We haven't any apples in the fridge.
У нас нет яблок в холодильнике.
5. There are some books on the table.
На столе лежит несколько книг.
6. Have you any pencils?
У тебя есть карандаши?
7. She bought some toys for you yesterday.
Она купила тебе несколько игрушек вчера.
8. Are there any children in the room?
В комнате есть дети?
9. Do they have any friends?
У них есть друзья?
10. There were some cars on the road.
На дороге было несколько машин.
2. This house was burnt many years ago.
3. Mike felt on the road very suddenly.
4. She bought a lot of bananas.
5. Ann went to school very early.
6. Liza brought it for you.
7. They met on the station.
8. He drank a lot of water.
9. Jack have swum during all the morning.
10. Mother put your book on the table.