Заполните пробелы отсутствующими словами в последующих предложениях, вам будет предоставлена первая буква каждого слова.
1) США ... от Атлантического океана на востоке до Тихого океана на западе. 2) США c ... четвертой по величине территорией в мире. 3) США ... Мексика на юге. 4) Мы должны упомянуть о ... стране. 5) Многие реки ... через страну. 6) Естественные каналы разрезаются на r 7) В США имеется обширная площадь ... почвы. 8) Он говорит по-испански, второй самый c ... язык в США. 9) Участок земли, установленный федеральным правительством для столицы страны, находится между штатами Виргиния и Мэриленд. 10) Есть тринадцать с ... на американском флаге.
1. Will my father drive a car tomorrow ? My father will drive a car tomorrow, won't he? Will my father drive a car tomorrow or next week? When will my father drive a car?
2.Will Anna go to the park today ? Anna will go to the park today, won't she? Will Anna go to the park or in the cinema today? Where will Anna go today?
3. Will Toml be at school in 10 minutes ? Tom will be at school in 10 minutes, won't he? Will Toml be at school in 10 minutes or in 20 minutes? When will Tom be at school?
4. Will I go to Japan a few times next year ? I will go to Japan a few times next year, won't I? Will I go to Japan or to China a few times next year ? When will I go to Japan a few times?
5.Will she call me tomorrow ? She will call me tomorrow , won't she? Will she call me or your tomorrow ? When will she call me?
6.Will my friends go to the zoo next Sunday? My friends will go to the zoo next Sunday , won't they? Will my friends go to the zoo next Sunday or next Saturday? Where will my friends go next Sunday?
7.Will it be sunny tomorrow? I think it will be sunny tomorrow , won't it? Will it be sunny or rain tomorrow? When will it be sunny?
8. Will we pass an exam next week? We will pass an exam next week, won't we? Will we pass an exam next week or tomorrow? What will we pass next week?
9.Will they visit my parents on Sunday? They will visit my parents on Sunday , won't they? Will they visit my parents or my grandparents on Sunday? When will they visit my parents?
10. Will the museum open in September? The museum will open in September, won't it? Will the museum open in September or in October? When will the museum will open?