it's true, every town in ukraine has a lot of parks, green zones and culture monuments, that's because ukraine has a long history. in my opinion, the more greenery the better, more comfortable located in such a place with a lof of green. but not all so well, because planning cities leaves much to be desired, it looks like utter chaos. in europe and also ukraine the main factors for the formation have become the relief and historically determined building conditions.
i like usa planning, their cities constructed as so-called "grid plan" is a type of city plan is witch streets run at right angels to each other, as a rusult forming grid. this planning with use orthogonal geometry is very valuable on economic indicators and planning structure. also this structure protect space from the noise, dust and exhaust gas vehicles from the street. by the way, interesting fact - the grid method was been even in the ancient rome and called "centuriation".
if you want to see the examples of grid pattern, so it is barcelona, copenhagen, rome, chicago. london, paris, washington and my favorite is new york.
with the development of civilization man's interference in nature grows up. it leads to different negative factors are: the pollution of water, air, soil and the destruction of the ozone layer. this problem must be solved if we want to preserve life on our planet. this problem is global problem that's why all countries of the world, all people, young and old, must take an active part in the protection of natural resources. factories and plants must have purification systems to preserve the purity of water, air and soil. we must take care of plants, trees, animals, birds and fishes, especially of those that are dying out. we also have a red book where rare and dying out plants, birds, animals are registered. though the role of people in the solution of ecological problems has greatly increased, we can't say that we are doing all in our power, to stop harmful processes in preserving the environment. the following radical measures must be taken: 1.the replanting of trees that have been cut down; 2.nuclear tests should be stopped; 3.purification systems must be installed at plants and factories; 4.natural resources should be used more rationally; 5.rare and dying out birds, animals and plants should be protected; 6.precaution measures should be taken against the destruction of the ozone layer.
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