A very interesting event happened during the 1986 football World Cup in Mexico. On June 22, Argentina and England played against each other in the semifinals. Fans and players for both teams felt very strongly about this match. Only four years earlier, England and Argentina fought a war over the Falkland Islands. Since England had prevailed in the conflict, many Argentinians saw this game as a chance for revenge. English football fans were equally passionate about winning the game because they saw it as a good chance to win the World Cup.
Teenagers in Russia now have a large number of addictions. The worst of them ... attention ... no cigarettes, no alcohol, and not even drugs, but social networks. The Internet rules modern youth. Millions of teenagers are now sitting at their computers and, not understanding why they are doing this, continue to sit and grow dull. Dull from statuses, "cool" graffiti on the walls.
And it’s not enough, after all, who among the teenagers is aware that by doing something or sending status to the news feed, they independently work for the office of the creators of the site. In professional language, people independently create content for people (their friends). This is the same if you yourself wrote articles on this site. But you don’t do it. It's so hard to write something for someone. However, at the same time everyone in the evenings writes themselves a new status, only someone like (put a heart).
By the way, regarding the problem of the harmful influence of social networks on youth, we received a letter from our reader Buj32 with the following content (reproduced with permission of the author):
“We survived. The more hearts, the steeper I am, the more popular. Why, let’s, as in the 90s, save up and brag about the fact that I have 100 more. More or less ... Hypocrisy. A social network is one continuous chain of hypocrisy and lies.
- Hello how are you?
- Hi everything is great!
What can be “super” if a person spends his youth is the happiest period in his life to communicate with a friend from a neighboring entrance through a computer. And only communication would be okay. It is necessary to change the status, otherwise it has not changed for 2 hours. Damn, guys, you’d better go play, go on a hike, especially since it’s summer. ”
2. Every 8th married couple met on the Internet!
3. At the moment only 51% of Americans are married! This is the lowest indicator for the last 50 years.
4. Every seventh American has more than 10 credit cards.
5. 40% of Americans do not believe Darwin's theory of evolution.
6. Daily in the US, eat 72 thousand square kilometers of pizza!
7. More than 800 tornadoes pass through the country every year
8. Americans use ice cream more than any other nation in the world.
9. Every day, US residents consume 150 million hot dogs.
10. In Montana, the number of horned animals is three times higher than the number of inhabitants.
11. Despite the fact that English is the most common language in the United States of America, it is not a state language. Moreover, the official language has not been officially established in the US (What do you say, multiethnic country!).
12. The national flower of the USA is a rose.