В предложении используется Past Simple. Нет никаких указателей на другое время(точного времени, продолжительности, одновременности действий и тп). Действие было в там оно и осталось, результата нет. Следовательно, используем Past Simple и вставляем watched
6) Ви повернулися з відпустки до початку нового навчального року? — Hi, ми приїхали тільки перед кінцем минулого тижня. – Had you returned from your vacation by the beginning of the academic year (or school year)? – No, we had just returned by the end of last week. 7) У нього ранііше ніколи не було такої цікавої роботи. – He had never had such an interesting job. 8) Лінда вас бачила вчора перед початком лекції? — Hi. – Had Linda seen you yesterday by the beginning of the lecture? – No, she hadn’t 9) Машина невідкладної до приїхала вчора до восьмої. – The ambulance had come yesterday by eight o’clock. 10) Дощ припинився перед світанком? — Так. – The rain had stopped by the dawn. – Yes, it’s had.
3) When we arrived it had already been raining for 3 days there (past simple + past perfect continuous)
4) How many weeks has it already been raining here? (present perfect continuous)
5) It has never been so windy and hot here (present perfect)
6) It has already been snowing for a week (present perfect continuous)
7) I think it is going to be stuffy tomorrow (to be going to)
8) Why didn’t you come to me at 2 p.m? – Yesterday it was raining at that time. I didn’t want to get wet. (past simple + past continuous + past simple)
9) Don’t forget to put the coat on. It’s chilly in the street. (present simple)
10) It’s 10 degrees below zero outside (present simple)