My favorite transport is the car. It is very convenient to drive and very fast. Its advantages are that it is convenient to sit, you can look out the window and while you go to see the world in the sky and so on. Very good transport. But he has flaws. When I go in the car then I start to get sick and sick: D also I do not like the smell in the car, very similar to gasoline! Well, as transport is very convenient and good!
Also my favorite transport is the plane. Its advantages are that while you fly to look at the whole world from the top, and do not get carsick:it seems to me that the plane has no shortcomings. It is cozy and cool ( you can read a book, or sleep) so this type of transport is very cool.
Мой любимый транспорт-это автомобиль. Это очень удобно для езды и очень быстро. Его преимущества заключаются в том, что здесь удобно сидеть, можно смотреть в окно и во время прогулки смотреть на мир в небе и так далее. Очень хороший транспорт. Но у него есть недостатки. Когда я еду в машине, то меня начинает тошнить и тошнить: D Еще мне не нравится запах в машине, очень похожий на бензин! Ну а так же транспорт очень удобный и хороший!
А еще мой любимый транспорт-самолет. Его преимущества заключаются в том, что во время полета нужно смотреть на весь мир сверху, а не укачиваться:мне кажется, что у самолета нет никаких недостатков. Здесь уютно и прохладно ( можно почитать книгу или поспать), поэтому этот вид транспорта очень классный.
Дальше сам.
Превосходная степень:
1. The railroad is one of the most important means of transporation
the most important - превосходная степень
2. The fastest passenger trains in regular service travel at speeds of up to 185 mph
The fastest - превосходная степень
3. The world’s longest rail line is situated in Russia.
the longest - превосходная степень
Сравнительная степень:
1. Only ships carry heavier cargoes for longer distances; and on;y airplanes provide a faster means of public transporation than railroads do
heavier; faster - сравнительная степень
2. In test runs, these trains have reached speeds of more than 250 mph (400kmph)
more than - сравнительная степень
Physical culture is a physical culture. It is aimed at strengthening human health, developing its physical abilities, which is very important. Lack of movement can badly affect the health of schoolchildren: their posture deteriorates, eyesight deteriorates, they become physically weak. In physical education, we get the opportunity to improve: we run, play ball, jump in length. If the outdoors is warm, physical education lessons are held in the courtyard, in the open air
At home, I do exercises every morning. My dad is fond of yoga, but says that many exercises from those that he does, I can not perform because of age. In addition, my skeleton is not yet fully formed. But my dad picks me up a set of exercises to develop the flexibility and muscle strength that I do every day.
I want to grow strong, beautiful and healthy and I know that physical education will help me in this.