время past simple выбери правильный вариант ответа. wat you play yesterday? a) was b) where c) did piaytennis. a )he tried b) tryed c) tried. porridge yesterday. a) ated b) ate c) cated mother some bread. a) bought b) buyed c) buied
1. This is a good text. Read it at home. 2. I do not sailing the river. She is my mate. Pilot book lies in his desk. Take it and give it to me. 3. They would like to get a dog. 4. His sister likes to visit him. 5. Bill and Sam live on my street. I see them every day. They live in the same apartment. 6. Go, please, to the store and get a bottle of milk. 7. Stale milk in a bottle. Get him off the table. 8. Every sailor of the ship said in English. 9. My ship is called the "Ladoga". It goes today. 10. He has a large family, is not it? - No, his family is not very big. Удачи)
The first day I went to visit.-В первый день я пошел в гости. The morning was sunny.-Утром было солнечно. Will have to work more..-Работать придется больше. English language were asked to learn words.-По английскому языку задали учить слова. We have to live in order to explore the world.-Жить нужно для того чтобы познавать мир. In the center is the point.-В центе находится точка. After the rain, we came back to my grandmother.-После дождя мы снова приехали к бабушке. Before us, there was another girl.-До нас тут была еще одна девушка. In the evening we went for a visit.-Вечером мы пошли в гости.