[ðə ˈkæpɪtl ɒv juːˈkreɪn ɪz ˈkiːɛf].
[ɪt ɪz ə bɪg ˈsɪti. mɔː ðæn θriː ˈmɪljən ˈpiːpl lɪv ðeə].
[ˈkiːɛf ɪz ˈsɪtjʊeɪtɪd ɒn ðə Dnipro, ðə meɪn ju(ː)ˈkreɪnjən ˈrɪvə].
[wɛn juː gəʊ ɒn ðə ˈbrɪʤɪz ˈəʊvə ðə Dnipro juː kæn ədˈmaɪə ðə ˈbjuːti ɒv ðɪs ˈrɪvə].
[Khreshchatyk ɪz ðə meɪn striːt ɪn ˈkiːɛf].
1 Столица Украины-Киев.
2 Это большой город. Там живет более трех миллионов человек.
3 Киев расположен на Днепре, главной украинской реке.
4 Когда вы идете по мостам через Днепр, вы можете любоваться красотой этой реки.
5 Крещатик - главная улица Киева.
1. We went to the restaurant by / on foot.
2. A: Yesterday at school we did a brilliant
experiment / invention!
B: Wow, that's cool / horrible.
3. The sailors were very crowded / excited when
they reached the coast.
4. The trip / voyage to the museum was interesting.
5. Don't eat that! It's poisonous / safe.
6. My aunt Julia got born / married in 2008.
7. The water in the swimming pool was a bit cold,
but I didn't hope / mind.
8. I need to speak to Mr Noland immediately. It's
important / incredible.
3. The clock is being repaired by them right now.
4. The milk is sold in this shop by them.
5. The whole text has been translated by me.
6. The window was broken by them last week.
7. The sweets had been eaten by them, when I came home.
8. The work should be don in the evening by us.
9. This book was written in the 19th century by him.
10. - невозможно построить
11. A lot of money from the shop was stolen by him.
12. The work had been finished by them by 6 o`clock.
13.The truck were being loaded by them at 12 o`clock.