1It’s a kind of meat: sausage
2 2 It’s very popular in Italy: pasta
3 It’s small and white and has a strong smell: garlic
4 Carrots, beans and potatoes are all vegetables
5 It’s yellow and some people put it on hot dogs: mustard
6 You put these on food to make it more tasty: sauce
7 You look at this when you go to a restaurant: menu
8 You can make toast with this: bread
9 You put sugar into your coffee with this: teaspoon
10 Apples, oranges and bananas are all: fruit
11 Why do people put salt and pepper on food? To make it more tastier.
12 You eat this first in a restaurant: starter
2) You must have your own instrument.
3) You may play on instruments you like.
4) You mustn't be rude.
5) You must pay for club.
6) You may do your homework in the club.
7) You must know how to play instruments.
8) You may take part in our electronic communication.
10) You must have your own page in vk.