— I have a splitting headache and my throat is sore. — У меня сильная головная боль и болит горло.
— Let me examine you and take your temperature. — Разрешите мне обследовать Вас и измерить Вам температуру.
— Sure. — Конечно.
— Now just unfasten your coat, waistcoat and shirt and I’ll listen to your heart and chest. — А теперь расстегните пиджак, жилет и рубашку, а я послушаю Ваше сердце и грудную клетку.
— What is your diagnosis [ˌdaɪəg’nəusɪs]? Is it serious? — Какой у Вас диагноз? Это серьезно?
— I advise you, first of all, to stop worrying. Take a long rest, have regular meals. — Прежде всего, я советую Вам успокоиться. Больше отдыхайте, регулярно питайтесь
— What diet should I follow? — Какую диету нужно соблюдать?
— Keep to a diet of salad and fruit. Take one table spoonful of this medicine two times a day before meals. — Ешьте больше салатов и фруктов. Принимайте это лекарство по одной столовой ложке дважды в день до еды.
— Be sure to follow my directions. — Обязательно следуйте моим назначениям.
Madagascar - the fourth largest island in the world, located in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa, separated from it by the Mozambique Channel. The climate is tropical. The extreme south of the island is often referred to subtropikam.Hotya Madagascar and is close to the African flora and fauna of the island is unique - it contains 5% of the species of plants and animals of the world, 80% of which exist only in Madagascar. The most famous of these are the lemurs. Most of the species - endemics. Because of this, often called Madagascar "small continent".Familiarity with Madagascar should start with the island's capital Antananarivu.Mozhno go on reserves such as: Berent Reserve, Reserve Mount Ambre and many others. Also on the island are many parks and forests. So I think there is not bored.
I. By eight o’clock yesterday I (had done) my homework and at eight I (was playing) the piano. 2. By six o’clock father (had come) home and at six he (was having) dinner. 3. By nine o’clock yesterday grandmother (had washed) the dishes and at nine she (was watching) TV. 4. When I (met) Tom, he (was eating) an ice-cream which he (had bought) at the corner of the street. 5. When I (came) home, my sister (was reading) a book which she (had brought) from the library. 6. When mother (came) home, the children (were eating) the soup which she (had cooked) in the morning. 7. When I (rang) up Mike, he still (was learning) the poem which he (had begun) learning at school. 8. When I (looked) out of the window, the children (were playing) with a ball which Pete (had brought) from home. 9. By ten o’clock the children (had settled) comfortably on the sofa and at ten they (were watching) a TV film. 10. When father (came) home, we (were cooking) the mushrooms which we (had gathered) in the wood. 11. When I (saw) Ann, she (was sorting) the flowers which she (had picked) in the field. 12. When I (came) home yesterday, I (saw) that my little brother (had broken) my pen and (was playing) with its pieces. 13. When I (opened) the door of the classroom, I (saw) that the teacher (had already come) and the pupils (were writing) a dictation.
What’s the matter with you? — Что у Вас болит?
— I have a splitting headache and my throat is sore. — У меня сильная головная боль и болит горло.
— Let me examine you and take your temperature. — Разрешите мне обследовать Вас и измерить Вам температуру.
— Sure. — Конечно.
— Now just unfasten your coat, waistcoat and shirt and I’ll listen to your heart and chest. — А теперь расстегните пиджак, жилет и рубашку, а я послушаю Ваше сердце и грудную клетку.
— What is your diagnosis [ˌdaɪəg’nəusɪs]? Is it serious? — Какой у Вас диагноз? Это серьезно?
— I advise you, first of all, to stop worrying. Take a long rest, have regular meals. — Прежде всего, я советую Вам успокоиться. Больше отдыхайте, регулярно питайтесь
— What diet should I follow? — Какую диету нужно соблюдать?
— Keep to a diet of salad and fruit. Take one table spoonful of this medicine two times a day before meals. — Ешьте больше салатов и фруктов. Принимайте это лекарство по одной столовой ложке дважды в день до еды.
— Be sure to follow my directions. — Обязательно следуйте моим назначениям.