I really like my town is Pervouralsk. There are many attractions and theatres. On the weekends my parents go to the Park and walk. You just can't describe how handsome he was ПЕРЕВОД мне очень нравиться мой город Первоуральск. Здесьесть много достопримечательностей и театров. На выходных мы с родителями ходим в парк и гуляем. Нельзя просто описать словами какой он красивый
1. He lives in .theUSA. 2. Felix has already been tois..France. 3. They climbedtheAlps, ...isCaucasus and isPamirs. 4. I swam in all the oceans except ...theArtic Ocean. 5. TheVolga is the longest river in is Europe.
2) Be careful with grammar tenses. ( the Past Continuous and the Past Simple)
1. When my friend and I (to go) outside, it (to rain) heavily. 2. When Peter's mum (to come) into his room, he (to watch) the stars through the telescope. 3. I (to talk) on the phone with Ann, when the film (to begin)
When I grow up I want to be a doctor. I like this job because I want to help people. It is very interesting.