One afternoon Uncle Henry was at the door of his house. He looked at the sky. The sky was not blue, it was grey. Dorothy was in the yard with Toto in her arms. She looked at the sky too. Dorothy did not that grey sky. Suddenly a storm came from the East. The sky was very dark now. Uncle Henry cried out to Aunt Em who was in the house: “A cyclone, Em, a cyclone is coming!How terrible!” He ran off to look after the cows and the horses. Aunt Em came to the door and looked at the sky too. She was frightened. “Yes, a cyclone is coming”, she cried to Dorothy. “Quick, Dorothy, run into the house with the stay there. ImusthelpUncleHenry!” And Aunt Emquickly ran off. Dorothy ran into the house with Toto in her arms. At that moment a strange and terrible thing happened. The cyclone lifted the little house into the air. Then it carried the house very, very far away.
Ann was watching TV at home. (watch)
Carol and Jack were watching a film in the cinema. (watch)
Tom was driving his car. (drive)
Catherine was waiting for a train at the station. (wait)
Mr. and Mrs. Hall were walking in the park. (walk)
Task 2. What was Joe doing? Write positive or negative sentences
(wear / a jacket) He wasn’t wearing a jacket.
(carry / a bag) He was carrying a bag.
(go / to the dentist) He wasn’t going to the dentist.
(eat / an ice-cream) He wasn’t eating an ice-cream.
(go / home) He was going home.
Task 3. Give short answers
1. Were you living in the same house this time last year? - Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t.
2. Were your parents watching TV at 11.30 last night? - Yes, they were / No, they weren’t.
3. Were you having an English lesson this time yesterday? - Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t.
4. Was it raining when you woke up this morning? - Yes, it was / No, it wasn’t.
5. Were you wearing a hat when you went in the morning? - Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t.