Мне нравится пользоваться интернетом. В его просторах я имею любимые страницы, там можно посмотреть интересное видео, фильм, послушать радио, и даже смотреть ТВ программы. Конечно, я не против и просмотра телевизора, но это можно сделать и из интернета. Также, в интернете содержится много нужной и полезной информации, можно поиграть в любимые игры, а также смотреть различные ток-шоу и игровые шоу. В интернете я общаюсь и завожу новых друзей, переписываясь с разными интересными людьми. Я считаю, что интернет - это очень нужная и полезная вещь, созданная человечеством.
In the U.S. and UK Apple Day is held annually on October 21 and the next weekend to this date. This holiday was established at the initiative of the charity Common Ground in 1990 and was first performed at Covent Garden, London. Since then, Apple Day is celebrated every year in every English town and in every county in the country. On this day, at festivals and markets, organized on the occasion, anyone can not only taste different varieties of apples, including rare, which does not happen in the sale, but also to buy seedlings and get expert advice on growing apple trees. ID service apples taking part in the festivities, will help determine each grade had brought from his garden apple. Apart from the various games, "apple" readings, demonstrations and a variety of treats various dishes made of apples, organized the annual competition for the long strip of skin, which results in cleaning the apple (The Longest Peel Competition). There is an old saying in England, which says that eating one apple every day, you can avoid a visit to the doctor, and consider themselves residents of the UK apple almost the most healthful and useful fruit.
2)Toyotas are manufactured in Japan.
3) Gold was discovered in Eastern Canada.
4) I have just told that my house will be knocked down next month.