Дорогой Санта Клаус, меня зовут Джилл. У меня есть брат, его зовут Джим. мне семь, Джиму девять. Мы любим ходить в школу. Мы умеем читать, писать и считать. Мы хорошие ученики. Мы нашей маме. Я гуляю с Рексом в парке. Рекс - милая чёрная собака. Я люблю кататься на скейте. А Джим на велосипеде. Нам нравится Рождество. Мы любим тебя, дорогой Санта. Нам бы хотелось получть на Рождество подарки. Я хотел бы новый скейтборд. Джим - новый велик. Рекс хочет большой красный мячик. Проведай нас. У нас милая ёлочка, много конфет, яблок и мандаринов. Хорошего Рождества и счастливого нового года! С любовью, Джилл, Джим и Рекс Брауны.
1. What is your name? - My name is Shirley Frank. 2. What is your address? - My address is 175 Grand Central Parkway. 3. What is your phone number? - My phone number is 718-1930. 4. Where are you from? - I am from New York. 5. I am a pupil. 6. My father is not a teacher, he is a scientist. 7. Is your aunt a doctor? - Yes, she is . 8. Are they at home? - No, they are not at home, they are at work. 9. My brother is a worker. He is at work. 10. Are you an engineer? - Yes, I am .11. Is your sister a typist? - No, she is not a typist, she is a student. 12. Is your brother at school? - Yes, he is . 13. Is your sister at school? - No, she is not at school. 14. My sister is at home. 15. Is this your watch? - Yes, it is . 16. She is an actress. 17. This is my bag. 18. My uncle is an office worker. 19. He is at work. 20. Helen is a painter. She has some fine pictures. They are on the walls. She has much paper. It is on the shelf. The shelf is brown. It is on the wall. Helen has a brother. He is a student. He has a family. His family is not in St. Petersburg, it is in Moscow.