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Кто чем из предложенных вариантов в каждом вопросе выберите тот, который ближе всего по смыслу подходит к выделенному жирным шрифтом участку предложения. 1. you shouldn't worry about the exam because you have prepared well and you'll probably find it a piece of cake. easy to digest easy to read easy to start very easy 2. i think the time has now come when we'll simply have to call it a day. stop trying stop thinking stop working stop going 3. in the end she lost her temper and told her daughter to hold her tongue. stand still speak up start speaking be quiet 4. no matter how smoothly things are running, you can always rely on charlie to rock the boat. spoil something spoil anything spoil everything spoil nothing 5. no, not really except she did get angry sometimes but her bark was worse than her bite. not as stupid as she sounded not as dangerous as she seemed not as tall as she looked not as clear as she appeared 6. by the way are you thinking of going on holiday? incidentally however naturally nevertheless 7. as your house is on our way, we'll give you a lift home if you like. on our trip on our route on our excursion on our crossing 8. you'll just have to make a decision. you can't have it both ways. benefit by cancelling two vertical views benefit by agreeing to two opposite views benefit by agreeing to two similar views benefit by agreeing to two average views 9. my dream of having my own house has finally come true. happened become a fairy tale surfaced been revealed 10. tom told andrea that giant turtles had escaped from the city zoo and were eating only left-handed people. it wasn't until she saw the smirk on his face that andrea noticed he was just pulling her leg. trying to hurt her fooling her making fun of her trying to maker her fall 11. this last year, my company has made money hand over fist! with a lot of struggle at a huge rate poorly distribution 12. learning a foreign language goes hand in hand with international business. tossed from one hand to another in different directions individually together 13. now it makes sense to me why you moved out of that house. i am intrigued i understand it frustrates me it concerns 14. we don't have enough money for a car so we make do with bicycles. use many times use instead use sometimes use always 15. you'll never see your money again because i'm afraid he's gone for good. clearly permanently quicly slowly 16. they're very generous in that museum — not only is the entrance fee reasonable but they give you a brochure for free. at no cost at little cost at some cost at low cost 17. considering they are over 70 years old, you must admit they are in good shape. fit weatlhy clever slow 18. my only advice to charlie was to keep his chin up and stop worrying. try to hold his head straight try to be optimistic try not to look on the ground try to remain uptight 19. i shouldn't go outside without a raincoat because it's raining cats and dogs. it's just started to rain it's going to rain it's raining very heavily it's raining a little 20. when the business folded, he took the lion's share of the assets. the easiest part the smallest part the biggest part the only part

1. very easy
2. stop working
3. be quiet
4. spoil something
5. not as dangerous as she seemed
6. Incidentally
7. on our route
8. benefit by agreeing to two opposite views
9. happened
10. fooling her
11. at a huge rate
12. together
13. I understand
14. use instead
15. permanently
16. at no cost
17. fit
18. try to be optimistic
19. it's raining very heavily
20. the biggest part
4,5(78 оценок)
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1. Go to .the.. blackboard, ... Comrade Petrov, and write ..the. following sentence, ".the.. capital of ..the. Soviet Union is Moscow.” 2. .The.. lecturer sometimes speaks in such ..a. low voice that I can’t hear him at all. 3. ... Dr Nikitin spent his holiday in .the.. South of..the. Soviet Union last year. His friends and he dicided to make ..a. voyage from Gagra to Sochi in .a.. small boat. .The.. weather was fine, and they left Gagra early in .the.. morning. When they were near Sochi, they saw something black in .the.. sea and thought they heard ..a. weak voice crying "Help! Help!” They decided to go in .the.. direction of ..the. black thing they saw, and soon found that it was .a.. man. They went up to ..the. man and took him into .the.. boat. ... Dr Nikitin did aH he could to help him. When they reached Sochi, ..the. doctor took him to ... hospital. .The.. next day, as .the.. doctor and his friends were walking along ..the. street, they met ..the. man again. He recognized .the. doctor and thanked him for all he had done for him.
4,6(70 оценок)
Звон колоколов сопровождал всю жизнь Москвы в древности. Колокола звонили во время частых пожаров, в случае народных восстаний, и объявляли победу или праздничные торжества. Даже сегодня колокола звонят на башне Кремля. В настоящее время существует 29 старинных колоколов в Московском Кремле. Некоторые из них висят в Колокольне Ивана Великого и в зданиях вокруг него. Самый большой колокол весит 65 тонн и 320 кг можно увидеть в амбразуре "Филарета здания", которая поднимается рядом со звонницей под золотым куполом. Колокол называется Успение день Белл. Он был отлит Яковом Завьялова из металла, взятого из еще более старого колокола, который был сломан, когда колокольню взрывали в 1812 году. Самый известный из всех колоколов, Тсар Белл, стоит на земле у подножия колокольни Ивана Великого и окружен людьми с утра до ночи. Это история вкратце выглядит следующим образом. В 1730 году императрица Анна Ивановна распорядилась, чтобы колокол массой 9000 пудов (126 тонн) должен быть отлит. Немецкий, мастер французского короля думал, что это была шутка. Иван Моторин, самый известный мастер-кастинг в Москве в те дни, заявил, что это было возможно. Особым яма была вырыта в Ивановскую площади в Кремле. Яма глубиной 10 метров. были использованы огромные количества меди, олова и серы, а также 72 кг золота и более 500 кг серебра. Иван Моторин не смог закончить кастинг, но его завершил его сын, Михаил. Помимо всех видов украшений, найденных на колоколе, имеется следующая надпись: "Этот колокол был отлит России, Иван Моторин, ремесленник, сын его Федор Моторин и его сын Михаил Моторин". Кастинг был успешным, и, наконец, колокол был поднят на железную решетку. Во время огня, который бушевал в Кремле 29 мая 1737 г., деревянное здание над ямой загорелось. Люди бросились тушить пламя и лили воду на колокол, который упал в яму. Благодаря неравномерному и быстрому охлаждению металла появились трещины, и фрагмент весом 11,5 тонны остался в яме.Колокол оставался в яме в течение ста лет. В 19 веке он был поднят на белый каменный постамент для общественного наблюдения. Вот некоторые статистические данные о размерах и весе гиганта. Это высокая 6,14 метров, имеет диаметр 6,6 м, а весит 202 тонн и 924 кг. Отсюда ее название - Тсар Бэлл
4,7(59 оценок)
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