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31.05.2022 08:36 •  Английский язык

Scouts on january 24, 1908, the boy scout movement started in england with the publication of robert baden-powell's handbook scouting for boys. the name baden-powell was already well-known to many english boys, and thousands of them eagerly bought the handbook. by the end of april, numerous boy scout troops had appeared across britain. in 1900, general baden-powell became a national hero in britain for his 217-day defence of mafeking in the second boer war in south africa. soon after, his military field manual, aids to scouting, written for british soldiers in 1899, became popular with a younger audience. boys loved the lessons on tracking and observation and organized outdoor games using the book. hearing this, badenpowell decided to write a non-military field manual for teenagers that would also emphasize the importance of morality and good deeds. first, however, he decided to try out some of his ideas on an actual group of boys. on july 25, 1907, he took a diverse group of 21 boys to brownsea island in dorset, where they set up camp for two weeks. with the aid of other instructors, he taught the boys about camping, observation, deduction, woodcraft, boating, life saving, and good manners. many of these lessons were learned through original games that were very popular with the boys. the first boy scout meeting was a great success. soon the handbook scouting for boys appeared. with the success of scouting for boys, baden-powell set up a central boy scouts' office, which registered new scouts and designed a uniform. by the end of 1908, there were 60,000 boy scouts, and troops began to appear in british commonwealth countries across the globe. the scout movement supported the boys in their physical, mental and spiritual development. the boys learned to work together to achieve goals, they also gave a promise to live by certain rules, and to help others when they could. in september 1909, the first national boy scout meeting was held at the crystal palace in london. ten thousand scouts showed up, including a group of uniformed girls who called themselves the girl scouts. a year later, baden-powell organized the girl guides as a separate organization. the american version of the boy scouts has its origins in an event that occurred in london in 1909. chicago publisher william boyce lost his way in the fog. so he stopped under a street light to read his map when he was approached by a young british boy. the boy asked the man if he could help and william boyce explained that he had got lost. after guiding boyce to his destination, the boy refused a tip, explaining that as a boy scout he would not accept payment for doing a good deed. this anonymous gesture inspired boyce to organize several regional u.s. youth organizations. the scouts movement soon spread throughout the country. in 1912, juliette gordon low founded the girl scouts of america in savannah, georgia. in 1920 the first international boy scout jamboree was held in london, and robert baden-powell was acclaimed chief scout of the world. the founder of the scout organization died in 1941. nowadays, the scouts movement exists in 216 different countries all over the world, there are more than 28 million boy scouts and over 10 million girl scouts. 10-the word ‘scout’ was thought up by robert baden-powell. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated ответ: 11-the success of aids to scouting made robert baden-powell write a similar book for young people. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated ответ: 12-robert baden-powell thought that the scouts should be well-mannered. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated ответ: 13-the first camp organised by baden-powell on an island was a failure. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated ответ: 14-the rules of the girl scouts differed from the rules of the boy scouts. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated ответ: 15-william boyce founded the boy scouts organization in the usa because he was impressed by the behaviour of a british scout. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated ответ: 16-in the usa william boyce founded both organizations: the boy scouts and the girl scouts. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated ответ: 17-robert baden-powell was awarded the title chief scout of the world after his death. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated ответ: сопоставить буду и заранее

1- не сказано, что слово "скаут" придумано именно Робертом Баден-Пауэллом
2 -  не сказано, что конкретно именно ЭТО заставило его написать книгу, но вполне возможно, потому что  Soon after,his military field manual, Aids to Scouting, written for British soldiers in 1899,became popular with a younger audience.
3 - да, потому что Baden Powell decided to write a non-military field manual for teenagers that would also emphasize the importance of morality and good deeds.
4 - нет, она не была провалена, наоборот имела огромный успех -  The first Boy Scout meeting was a great success. 
5 - не сказано, что для девочек были созданы отдельные правила
6 - да, он был в восторге от поведения британского скаута
7 - не сказано об организации скаутов для девушке
8 - нет, он получил эту награду при жизни в 1920 году, а умер в 1941
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Визначні пам’ятки Лондона англійською ⇩

Біг Бен (The Big Ben) ⇩

Колесо огляду «Око Лондона» (London Eye) ⇩

Трафальгарська площа (Trafalgar Square) ⇩

Лондонський музей мадам Тюссо (Madame tussaud’s London) ⇩

Лондонський Тауер (Tower of London) ⇩

Букінгемський палац (Buckingham Palace) ⇩

Британський музей (The British Museum) ⇩

Тауерський міст (Tower Bridge) ⇩

Лондонська Національна галерея (The National Gallery) ⇩

Вестмінстерське абатство (Westminster Abbey) ⇩

Гайд-парк і Кенсінгтонських садів (Hyde Parkand Kensington Gardens) ⇩

Площа Пікаділлі (Piccadilly Circus) ⇩

Будівля Парламенту (The Houses of Parliament) ⇩

Річка Темза (The Thames) ⇩

Колона Нельсона (Nelson’s Column) ⇩

Оксфорд-стріт (Oxford Street) ⇩

Твір «Пам’ятки Лондона англійською мовою з перекладом» ⇩

Висновок ⇩

У Лондоні розташовано багато прекрасних пам’яток, які мають велике значення культури та мистецтва не тільки Великої Британії, але і всього світу. Більшість з них пов’язані з історією. Це пам’ятники, площі, величні будівлі. Кожен, хто вивчає мову, повинен вміти описувати визначні пам’ятки Лондона англійською.


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Київ— столиця України, одне з найбільших і найстаріших міст Європи. Розташований у середній течії Дніпра, у північній Наддніпрянщині. Політичний, соціально-економічний, транспортний та освітньо-науковий центр країни. Окрема адміністративно-територіальна одиниця в складі України й адміністративний центр Київської області. Районний центр Києво-Святошинського району. Адміністративно до складу Київської області не входить. Місце розташування центральних органів влади України, іноземних місій, штаб-квартир більшості підприємств і громадських об'єднань, що працюють в Україні.

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