Феодализм - концепция «старого порядка» (неограниченная монархия, господство дворянства) в Великой французской революции 18 века; в марксизме - общественно-экономическая формация до капитализма. В современной истории феодализм имел место в Европейской Центральной Азии как социальная система, существовавшая в средние века, но феодализм имел место в разных странах в разное время. Феодализм основан на отношениях вассала (подчиненного) и гражданина и хлеба, крестьянина и старшего помещика. Для рыцарской военной организации характерно сословное, правовое и феодальное неравенство.
Feudalism - the concept of the "old order" (unlimited monarchy, the rule of the nobility) in the Great French Revolution of the 18th century; in Marxism - the socio-economic formation before capitalism. In modern history, feudalism took place in European Central Asia as a social system that existed in the Middle Ages, but feudalism took place in different countries at different times. Feudalism is based on the relationship between a vassal (subordinate) and a citizen and bread, a peasant and a senior landowner. Class, legal and feudal inequality is characteristic of the knightly military organization.
When did English newspaper write about Mr. Fogg's journey?
The next day English newspaper wrote about Mr. Fogg's journey, didn't it?
Did English newspaper write about Mr. Fogg's journey the next day?
Did English newspaper write about Mr. Fogg's journey the next day or the next month?
What newspaper wrote about Mr.Fogg's journey the next day?
Was Phileas Fogg a prisoner at Liverpool police station?
Phileas Fogg was a prisoner at Liverpool police station, wasn't he?
Was Phileas Fogg a prisoner or a guest at Liverpool police station?
Who was Phileas Fogg at Liverpool police station?
Where was Phileas Fogg a prisoner?
Were Mr. Fogg's friends at the card table in the Club?
Where were Mr. Fogg's friends?
Who was at the card table in the Club?
Were Mr. Fogg's friends at the card table in the Club or at Liverpool police station?
Mr. Fogg's friends were at the card table in the Club, weren't they ?