: Дополните предложения подходящим вариантом. Объясните значение слов курсивом. 1) Она подала заявку на стипендию / поступление в юридический институт 2) У нее есть диплом / сертификат по маркетингу 3) Для домашнего задания я хочу, чтобы вы написали эссе / программу 4) Моника получила оценку / оценка A за SAT. по загрязнению. 5) Вы получите оценку ниже / выше за плохое правописание и пунктуацию. 6) Кандидаты должны ответить на два вопроса из каждой работы / лекции. 7) Экзамен / задание в конце года было очень хорошим. сложно. 8) Я курс / исследование по английской литературе. 9) Вы будете проверены по всему, что вы изучали в этом семестре / семинаре. 10) Написание докторской диссертации / степени заняло много времени.
The end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st century is an exceptionally dynamic time. therefore, it is not surprising that today's high school students are significantly different from their parents at the same age. We just grew up in completely different conditions. For as long as we can remember, there have always been mobile phones and a computer with fast Internet. But our parents perfectly remember the time when all this did not happen. It's stupid to argue about whether it's good or bad: it's so simple to eat. Although many parents and even grandparents are well versed in modern technologies, if they are interested. Another thing is that some do not see any sense in them and consider them "pampering". But in vain. Instantly find any information, talk to a friend who lives ten thousand kilometers away from you, somewhere in another country - this was not even dreamed of by a simple person half a century ago. My generation is often reproached with the fact that we are uneducated and ignorant, ill-mannered, do not like to read. I wouldn't say that. You shouldn't say that about everyone at once. Lazy, ignorant people!
2) Theatre in ancient Greece
3) The history of Russian theatre
4) Moscow is the theatrical capital of Russia
5) The most famous theatres in our country
6) St-Petersburg theatre
7) Shakespeare’s «Globe»
8) I'm a theatre-goer