Lion is a beautiful and strong animal. In many cultures a lion is referred to as King of the Beasts and considered an embodiment of strength and power. Lions belong to the order of predators. They have a kingly appearance: a magnificent mane, a muscular body, sharp fangs and claws.
They also have a tufted tail. Their colour may vary from yellowish to dark-brown, but there are white lions as well. Females are usually smaller in size and have no mane.
These animals are found mostly in African countries and in India. Earlier they lived in South European countries, in the Middle East, Iran and even in the southern part of Russia. They live in savannas, but can also be found in forests.
Lions form special family groups – prides. They hunt in groups as well, chasing their prey together. Lions’ favorite preys are gnus, zebras and buffalos.
Лев – это красивое и мощное животное. Во многих культурах льва называют царем зверей и считают воплощением силы и власти. Львы относятся к отряду хищников. Они обладают царственной внешностью: роскошной гривой, мускулистым телом, острыми клыками и когтями.
Кончик львиного хвоста украшает небольшая кисточка. Окрас может варьироваться от желтоватого до темно-коричневого, однако в природе встречаются и белые львы. Самки обычно меньше по размеру, и у них нет гривы.
Эти животные встречаются в основном в странах Африки и в Индии. Раньше они водились и в странах южной Европы, на Ближнем Востоке, в Иране и даже на юге России. Они живут в саваннах, но могут встречаться и в лесу.
Львы образуют особые семейные группы – прайды. Охотятся они тоже группой, совместно преследуя жертву. Излюбленная добыча львов – антилопы гну, зебры и буйволы.
My profession is an electrician
Our life today is impossible without electricity. Computers, domestic appliances, factory machines, medical equipment, electric trains, telephone communication and all kinds of gadgets will not run if there is a power failure. There must be somebody to fix it and this person must know what to do and how to do it properly. This is what electricians do: they install, maintain and repair electrical systems and equipment.
I have always been interested in electrics, and Physics and Mathematics were my favourite subjects at school, so I decided to become an electrician. Besides having basic knowledge in physics and mathematics I must study mechanics and drafting and be able to read wiring diagrams and drawings. As we know, electrical mistakes can lead to shortages, shocks, fires and costly repairs. So people who have chosen the profession of an electrician must have a good reaction, be cautious and extremely attentive.
Another important aspect of this profession is being physically fit and strong: electricians often have to move heavy equipment or stand or kneel for long periods of time. It is also necessary to have keen eyesight, good hand-eye coordination and a good sense of balance.
Every day electricians perform new tasks in new locations and with new people, so I think I will never get bored with this profession.
Electricity consumption in our country is increasing every year due to the development of technology and emergence of new equipment that needs professional maintenance. That is why the profession of an electrician is going to stay one of the most important in our world.