Universities, polytechnics and colleges provide higher education in Great Britain. Today there are forty six universities in Britain. Oxford pays attention to philosophy, classical languages and literature. Every university is independent, and responsible to its own governing council . Students are admitted to the university on their result of GCSE. As a rule, it takes 3 or 4 years to graduate from the university. All students have tutors who are responsible for the student’s progress . Students pass finals at the end of their third or fourth year and get Bachelor’s degree.
1 Who set up Microsoft?
2 When did Microsoft set up?
3 Who telephoned me this morning?
4 Who did you telephone this morning?
5 Why did he visit this company last week?
Вопрос к подлежащему-частный случай специального вопроса, и строится он отлично от всех других вопросов. Вместо подлежащего Ты ставишь вопрос Who (для человека) или What (для животного или неодуш предмета) и продолжаешь переписывать предложение, как в утверждении. Например I bought new shoes- Who bought new shoes? Никаких вс глаголов ни в каком времени для этого вопроса не появляется
Who have dinner at two o'clock every day?
What we have at two o'clock every day?
How often we have dinner at two o'clock?