Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
1) Tom (burnt) his hand while he (was cooking the dinner).
2) In 1994 he (worked) in a small town in Poland.
3) When I (woke up) this morning it (was raining) and my father (was singing) in the kitchen.
4) You (were working) as a waitress in a cocktail bar, when I (met) you.
5) The television was on but nobody (was watching it).
6) I was very tired, so I (went) to bed early.
7) The window was open and a bird (flew) into the room.
8) We (saw) an accident while we (were waiting for the bus).
9) The bed was very uncomfortable. I (did not sleep) very well.
10) When I (walked) into the room it was chaos! The dog (running) around the room and the children (writing) on the walls.
11) What were you (doing) at 8 o’clock last night? I (was reading).
12) I (broke) my leg when I (was skiing).
It is only omlet, tea and oatmeal.